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David Cicilline's Public Statements on Issue: Entitlements and the Safety Net

Date Title
03/10/2021 Cicilline Statement on Passage of American Rescue Plan
05/21/2020 Cicilline, Colleagues Urge Senate to Take Up Heroes Act
02/20/2020 Cicilline, Grebien Condemn Trump Cuts to Important Federal Programs
10/17/2018 Cicilline Statement on McConnell's Plan to Gut Health Care Access
06/07/2018 Cicilline Statement on Social Security, Medicare Projections
08/04/2017 Congressional Delegation Announces $26 Million in Medicare Payments for RI Hospitals
03/16/2017 Cicilline Statement on Trump Budget Outline
10/18/2016 Cicilline Statement on Cost of Living Adjustment for Seniors
06/25/2015 Cicilline Applauds Supreme Court Health Care Decision
09/01/2014 Happy Labor Day
03/25/2014 Cicilline Outlines Spending Priorities for Fiscal Year 2015 Budget
02/11/2014 Cicilline Statement on Vote to Restore Military Retiree COLA
07/11/2013 Cicilline Blasts House Republican Mismanagement of Critical Federal Nutrition Programs
04/10/2013 Cicilline Statement on Inclusion of Chained CPI in President's Budget
12/19/2012 Cicilline Urges Obama, Boehner to Protect Seniors from Social Security Benefit Cuts
10/16/2012 "Most important … is Getting People Back to Work'
08/11/2012 Cicilline Statement on the Selection of Paul Ryan as the Republican Vice Presidential Nominee
10/20/2011 Cicilline Statement on Social Security COLA Increase
08/01/2011 Statement on Debt Ceiling Vote
07/30/2011 Statement on House Rejection of Senator Reid's Budget Control Act
04/15/2011 Republican Budget Means Catastrophic Consequences For American People