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Joe Manchin III's Public Statements on Issue: Entitlements and the Safety Net

  • U.S. Senate (WV) - Sr, Independent Majority Vice Chair of Policy & Communications Committee
Date Title
03/05/2021 Manchin Delivers Targeted Tax Break and Unemployment Benefits
06/11/2014 Manchin Statement on Senate Passage of Bipartisan VA Bill
05/30/2014 Manchin Statement on Shinseki Resignation and the VA
08/21/2013 Manchin Pleased with Court Decision to Maintain Health Benefits for Retirees and Their Families
06/06/2013 Senators King, Coburn, Manchin & Flake Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Reduce Overlapping Benefit Payments
12/07/2012 Manchin's Message from the Hill to the Mountains: "Life Is Old There" -- Our Responsibility To Our Seniors
03/16/2012 Manchin's Message from the Hill to the Mountains: Century Aluminum Deal Shows What We Can Achieve By Working Together
12/23/2011 Manchin Statement on Payroll Tax Agreement
12/06/2011 Statement on Payroll Tax Cut Compromise, Protecting Social Security
12/02/2011 Manchin's Message from the Hill to the Mountains: Protecting Social Security for Future Generations
10/20/2011 Parkersburg News and Sentinel - Congressmen Praise Social Security Change
10/19/2011 Manchin Statement on 3.6 Percent Cola Increase
08/19/2011 What I Heard from West Virginians on my 'Rebuilding America' Tour
08/05/2011 Manchin's Message from the Hill to the Mountains: Reaching a Deal on the Debt Ceiling
08/01/2011 Manchin Statement on Debt Ceiling Deal
07/21/2011 Manchin: 'Gang of Six' Proposal Will Help Keep Our Promises to Seniors
06/15/2011 Manchin Reacts to 'Appalling' Report on Government Waste
01/04/2011 Joe Manchin: Together We Can Make A Real Difference