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Cory Booker's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

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Date Title
05/31/2023 EPW Committee Advances Bipartisan Nuclear Energy Legislation
04/24/2023 Booker, Pallone Host Roundtable to Discuss Legislation to Permanently Ban Offshore Drilling, Need to Protect Marine Mammals
05/03/2022 Murphy, Blumenthal Call for Transition to a Clean Energy Economy to Protect American National Security and Combat Price Gouging by Fossil Fuel Companies
05/02/2022 Van Hollen, Merkley Call for Transition to a Clean Energy Economy to Protect American National Security and Combat Price Gouging by Fossil Fuel Companies
11/02/2021 Sen. Ossoff Introduces Bill to Make Energy Efficient Technology More Affordable for Georgia Families, Lower Energy Bills
07/16/2021 Capito, Whitehouse, Barrasso, Booker, Crapo Introduce Legislation to Preserve and Expand America's Nuclear Energy Sector
05/26/2021 Menendez Introduces Legislation To Ban Offshore Drilling, Protect Coastal Economy As It Recovers From Pandemic
04/15/2021 NEWS: Sanders, Omar and Colleagues Introduce the End Polluter Welfare Act
03/09/2021 Whitehouse, Booker, Schatz Unveil Methane Fee to Clamp Down on Potent Driver of Climate Change
06/22/2020 Sens. Booker, Capito Introduce the TREE Act
06/19/2020 Capito, Booker Introduce the TREE Act
05/05/2020 ReWIND Act Prohibits Bailout of Fossil Fuel Industry with Cares Act Funds During Public Health Crisis
09/18/2019 Harris, Feinstein, Senate Democrats Introduce Clean Air, Healthy Kids Act to Rescind President Trump's Anti-Climate Agenda
05/02/2019 Feinstein Introduces Bill to Protect West Coast from Dangerous Offshore Drilling
09/17/2018 Warren, Colleagues Unveil Bill to Require Every Public Company to Disclose Climate-Related Risks
09/13/2018 Bipartisan Nuclear Energy Innovation Bill Heads to President's Desk
05/01/2017 Warren Joins Menendez, 14 Other Senators in Reintroducing the COAST Act in Response to Trump Executive Order to Expand Offshore Drilling
05/01/2017 Menendez, Booker, Pallone Reintroduce COAST Act in Response to Trump Executive Order to Expand Offshore Drilling
03/30/2017 Bipartisan Nuclear Research Bill Passes Key Senate Committee
03/02/2017 Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act
01/11/2017 Clean Nuclear Energy, Research Advanced in Bipartisan Senate Bill
01/06/2017 Menendez, Booker Cheer Success in Blocking Seismic Testing in Atlantic Ocean
12/20/2016 Menendez, Booker, Pallone Applaud Major Step to Protect Jersey Shore from Offshore Drilling
12/05/2016 Booker Applauds Army Corps Decision on Dakota Access Pipeline
07/15/2016 Senate Dems Introduce Legislation to End Big Bailouts for Big Oil, Hold Companies Accountable for Disastrous Oil Spill Damages

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