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Cory Booker's Public Statements on Issue: Environment

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Date Title
01/11/2024 Booker Announces $10M for NJ Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
11/30/2023 Booker, Duckworth Statement on EPA Proposed Strengthening of Lead and Copper Rule
01/13/2022 Booker, Gillibrand, Menendez, Schumer Introduce Legislation to Protect the New York-New Jersey Watershed
01/12/2022 Menendez, Booker, Schumer, Gillibrand Introduce Legislation to Protect the New York-New Jersey Watershed
10/29/2020 Menendez, Booker, Pascrell Announce Over $11M to Support Paterson's Pandemic Response, Lead Hazard Reduction Efforts
09/18/2020 Governor Murphy Signs Historic Environmental Justice Legislation
09/10/2020 Rep. Omar Co-Leads Comprehensive "THRIVE Agenda" to Address COVID-19, Climate Change, Racial Injustice, and Economic Crises
05/13/2020 Carper Joins Bicameral Effort to Address COVID-19's Impact on Communities Plagued by Environmental Injustice
05/12/2020 Duckworth Joins Bicameral Effort to Address COVID-19's Impact on Communities Plagued by Environmental Injustice
03/04/2020 Cardin, Barrasso Lead Senate Recognition of US-Australian Firefighting Cooperation
02/14/2020 Feinstein, Shaheen, Gillibrand, Colleagues Call on EPA to Make Good on PFAS Action Plan
02/11/2020 Capito, Booker, Jones Reintroduce Bill to Establish Wastewater Grants for Low-income Communities
11/20/2019 Schatz Introduces New Legislation to Ensure U.S. Financial System is Prepared for Climate Change
09/18/2019 Cantwell, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Reverse Trump Administration Attacks on Endangered Species Act
09/13/2019 Udall Joins Booker, Haaland Climate Change Bill Focused on Investing in Farm Conservation Programs, Reforestation, and Wetlands Restoration
09/10/2019 Booker, Menendez Bill to Help Communities Like Newark Get Lead Out of Drinking Water Passes Senate
09/04/2019 CNN Climate Crisis Town Hall with Sen. Cory Booker
08/20/2019 Booker Meets with EPA Officials to Discuss Lead Exposure in Newark
08/08/2019 With FDR's New Deal as Blueprint, Booker Releases Climate Change Bill Focused on Investing in Farm Conservation Programs, Reforestation, and Wetlands Restoration
07/25/2019 Cortez Masto introduces Renewable Energy Extension Act
07/24/2019 Booker Reintroduces Sweeping Environmental Justice Bill
04/22/2019 On Earth Day, Duckworth, Booker, & Carper Announce Creation of Environmental Justice Caucus
04/22/2019 On Earth Day, Duckworth, Booker & Carper Announce Creation of Environmental Justice Caucus
03/20/2019 Whitehouse Supports Bill to Ban Seismic Testing in Atlantic
03/12/2019 Kaine Joins Colleagues to Introduce Climate Security Act of 2019

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