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Cory Booker's Public Statements on Issue: Government Operations

Date Title
01/03/2020 Tweet - "The devastating Australian bushfires are taking lives, destroying homes and displacing communities. Hundreds of millions of animals are estimated to have been killed and entire species could be wiped out. This is a crisis and should be front-page news. Please help out if you can."
10/13/2019 Tweet - "Title IX has successfully narrowed the opportunity gap for men and women athletes since its passage almost 50 years ago--but there are many ways we can strengthen its provisions. As president, I'll push for these changes and more:"
09/24/2019 Tweet - "In 2016, Trump welcomed foreign adversaries to meddle in our democracy for his own gain. Now he appears to be using the same playbook to remain in power. I applaud Speaker Pelosi's announcement of an impeachment inquiry--it's our one remaining path to ensuring justice is served."
09/08/2019 Tweet - "Our challenges--from corporate corruption to campaign finance to criminal justice & more--are interrelated. We can't focus on each in a vacuum. So when we discuss health care, let's not just talk about doctors & nurses, let's also talk about healthy food systems & our environment."
09/05/2019 Tweet - "We can't stand by while polluters poison our children and make our air unbreathable."
07/20/2019 Tweet - "I stand with the hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans who've taken to the streets calling for @RicardoRossello to resign. It's clear their confidence in his ability to govern has eroded and they're right to demand the new leadership they deserve."
07/18/2019 Tweet - "It's been reported that Attorney General Barr overruled DOJ attorneys who recommended charges for the officer who killed Eric Garner. Barr needs to explain why he did this--why he decided that no charges should be brought in a case where a violent homicide was captured on video."
07/06/2019 Tweet - "The right to vote for millions of Americans, disproportionately communities of color, has been under assault--it's why less than 2% of all statewide elected executive officials are Black women. We need to expand voting rights for ALL Americans."
06/28/2019 Tweet - "The Supreme Court just announced it will take up the DACA case next term. Let's be clear: Dreamers are Americans, and Trump's decision to terminate DACA was illegal."
06/27/2019 Tweet - "Voters should be able to choose their politicians, not the other way around. Disappointed in today's Supreme Court decision. As president, I'll pass a new Voting Rights Act, which would end partisan gerrymandering once and for all."