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Cory Booker's Public Statements on Issue: Women

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Date Title
03/22/2024 Booker, Durbin, Hirono Reintroduce Legislation to Address Maternal Health Crisis Among Incarcerated People
03/15/2024 Booker, Butler, Adams, Moore Introduce Resolution Commemorating Black Midwives Day
03/06/2024 Booker to Bring New Jersey Fertility Care Advocate as Guest to State of the Union
03/04/2024 Booker Joins Effort to Protect IVF Access After Alabama Supreme Court Ruling
10/19/2023 Booker, Pressley Reintroduce MOMMIES Act to Improve Maternal Health Outcomes
07/27/2023 Booker, Rubio, Kim, Castor, Joyce, Kelly Reintroduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Reduce U.S. Stillbirth Rate
07/26/2023 Booker, Murkowski Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Provide Pregnant Veterans Access to Doula Services
08/02/2022 Booker, Smith Introduce Legislation to Affirm Federal Regulation of Reproductive Health Products
07/05/2022 Booker Applauds Biden-Harris Administration's Plan to Address the Maternal Health Crisis
01/27/2022 Menendez, Booker, Colleagues Mark Era Enactment Day With Renewed Push for Senate Approval of S.J. Res. 1
07/23/2021 Booker, Capito Introduce Legislation to Tackle Uterine Fibroids through Research, Education
07/16/2021 Menendez, Booker Introduce Bill To Increase Access To Infertility Treatment
05/26/2021 Senator Menendez, Congresswoman Clark Lead Colleagues In Bicameral Reintroduction Of Reproductive Rights Are Human Rights Act
05/25/2021 Merkley, Murkowski, Booker Applaud Bipartisan Committee Passage of Legislation to Expand Breastfeeding Protections at Work
05/18/2021 Booker, Hirono, Lee, and Adams Introduce the Real Education and Access for Healthy Youth Act
05/06/2021 Pressley, Booker, Colleagues Reintroduce MOMMIES Act to Promote Community-Based, Holistic Maternal Health Care
05/06/2021 Ahead of Mother's Day, Booker, Pressley, Colleagues Reintroduce Bill to Improve Maternal Health Outcomes
04/14/2021 Senator Baldwin Supports Senate Resolution Recognizing Black Maternal Health Week
04/13/2021 Booker, Menendez Introduce Black Maternal Health Week Resolution
04/13/2021 Sen. Booker, Reps. Adams & Underwood Introduce Black Maternal Health Week Resolution
03/02/2021 Booker, Murray, Wyden Re-Introduce Resolution Recognizing the Impact of COVID-19 on Women and Girls Globally
02/23/2021 Booker, Durbin, Hirono Introduce Legislation to Address Maternal Health Crisis Among Incarcerated People
02/11/2021 Menendez, Booker Announce $3.5M to Boost Maternal and Child Health Care Across NJ
02/08/2021 Booker, Underwood, Adams, Senators Unveil Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act to Address America's Maternal Health Crisis
02/08/2021 Congressman Steven Horsford Joins Members of the Black Maternal Health Caucus to Introduce Historic Legislative Package to Address the Maternal Health Crisis

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