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Cory Booker's Public Statements on Issue: Federal, State and Local Relations

Date Title
04/29/2021 Congressman Gomez and Senator Booker Introduce Transit to Trails Act of 2021
04/28/2021 Menendez, Booker Applaud Major Disaster Declaration for Five Counties After Winter Nor'easter Slammed the State
04/22/2021 Booker, Castro Reintroduce Bill Aimed at Increasing the Enrollment of Underrepresented Students in Advanced Courses and Programs
04/21/2021 Wyden, Paul and Bipartisan Members of Congress Introduce The Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act
04/19/2021 Menendez, Booker Announce Nearly $700 M to Support Providers, Help Nj Families Access Safe, Quality Child Care
02/08/2021 Congressman Steven Horsford Joins Members of the Black Maternal Health Caucus to Introduce Historic Legislative Package to Address the Maternal Health Crisis
01/22/2021 Murphy, Scott, Blumenthal, Colleagues Reintroduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Feed Act With Support Of Chef José Andrés
09/01/2020 Menendez, Booker Announce $17.4M to Support NJ Small Businesses during COVID Crisis, Make Critical Infrastructure Investments
07/31/2020 Menendez, Booker, Sires, Payne, Sherrill, Malinowski Announce $1.8M to Support Essex County COVID-19 Response
05/18/2020 Booker, Menendez, Cassidy Introduce Bipartisan SMART Fund to Help Frontline States, Communities in COVID-19 Fight
04/15/2020 Harris, Feinstein, Senators Will Introduce Bill to Make Small, Rural Communities Eligible for Relief Funds
04/08/2020 Feinstein, Booker Introduce Bill to Help State, Local Prisons Test, Treat COVID-19
06/15/2017 Lawmakers Reintroduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Medical Marijuana Bill
07/07/2016 Menendez, Booker Announce $843K in Federal Funding for NJ Firefighters and EMS Providers
09/19/2014 Bipartisan Measure Would Empower Local Leaders, Improve Grant Process