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Beto O'Rourke's Public Statements

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11/01/2019 Tweet - "I am grateful to all the people who made up the heart and soul of this campaign. You were among the hundreds of thousands who made a donation, signed up to volunteer or spread the word about this campaign and our opportunity to help decide the election of our lifetime."
11/01/2019 Tweet - "Our campaign has always been about seeing clearly, speaking honestly, and acting decisively. In that spirit: I am announcing that my service to the country will not be as a candidate or as the nominee."
10/14/2019 Tweet - "The way you practice your faith within your place of worship is your business. But when you are providing services in the public sphere--and you deny equal treatment under the law based on someone's skin color or sexual orientation--then we have a problem."
10/14/2019 Tweet - "The way you practice your faith within your place of worship is your business. But when you are providing services in the public sphere--and you deny equal treatment under the law based on someone's skin color or sexual orientation--then we have a problem."
09/24/2019 Tweet - "We have a lawless president, who has undermined our democracy; a racist president, who has incited violence; a reckless president, who has let our planet burn and fleeced taxpayers for his own benefit. To my former colleagues in Congress: Finish the job and impeach him."
09/11/2019 Tweet - "Every year on 9/11, we are called to remember the service and sacrifice of our first responders, who risked everything for their fellow human beings. They, like the heroes in El Paso on August 3rd, ran toward danger. And we will never forget their bravery."
09/08/2019 Tweet - "20 veterans die by suicide every day across America. In Congress, my proposal to expand access to mental health care for veterans was signed into law. But our work isn't done. This is an epidemic--and as National Suicide Prevention Week begins, we must do everything to end it."
09/07/2019 Tweet - "At its best, America is defined by its aspirations--and by the resolve of the people who work to see them realized. That leadership will ensure we end the epidemic of gun violence, pass a reparations bill, make health care a right, and rewrite our immigration laws in our image."
09/06/2019 Tweet - "No one should have to choose between paying for their kid to go to college and paying for the medication they need to stay alive. Quote Tweet"
09/06/2019 Tweet - "We need more refugees, not fewer. This administration, which believes the words engraved into the Statue of Liberty should be rewritten, has no idea what our country stands for. America was founded by refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers--and every day, they make us stronger."
07/26/2019 Tweet - "We don't need more walls. They don't make us more safe."
07/23/2019 Tweet - "Two years after passing a $2 trillion tax cut for corporations and the wealthiest Americans, Trump wants to take food away from 3 million human beings under the guise of caring about deficits. This is an attack on those who need help most. We need to fight for them."
07/22/2019 Tweet - "15,000. 15,000 human beings--parents & children, colleagues & neighbors--lost their lives because states like Texas didn't expand Medicaid. We need universal, guaranteed, high-quality health care--so in the wealthiest country on earth, no one dies because they aren't covered."
07/21/2019 Tweet - "In Texas, you can be fired for being gay. You can be denied a home for being gay. You can be barred from adopting a child who needs a loving family because you're gay. Discrimination is an urgent issue in our state. Discrimination against Chick-fil-A is not."
07/20/2019 Tweet - "Seven years after Aurora, we haven't done enough to end gun violence in our schools, our communities, or our country. I'm committed to making this a top priority -- finally achieving universal background checks, stopping the sale of weapons of war, and implementing red flag laws."
07/20/2019 Tweet - "We must end solitary confinement, but we also need to: End the school-to-prison pipeline End the War on Drugs End prohibition on marijuana & expunge records End private prisons End mandatory minimums End cash bail Thanks for the question, Matthew. #TownHallForAmerica"
07/19/2019 Tweet - "Social Security is a sacred trust--a promise that if you work hard, you'll be able to retire with dignity. But too many Americans are afraid what they paid in won't be there for them--or won't be enough. I'll make strengthening Social Security a priority."
07/19/2019 Tweet - We don't have to make the false choice between a status quo where millions of Americans are uninsured and millions more can't afford their prescriptions--and a plan that would force 180 million Americans off their insurance. That's why I support Medicare for America.""
07/19/2019 Tweet - "Social Security is a sacred trust--a promise that if you work hard, you'll be able to retire with dignity. But too many Americans are afraid what they paid in won't be there for them--or won't be enough. I'll make strengthening Social Security a priority."
07/19/2019 Tweet - "Social Security is a sacred trust--a promise that if you work hard, you'll be able to retire with dignity. But too many Americans are afraid what they paid in won't be there for them--or won't be enough. I'll make strengthening Social Security a priority."
07/18/2019 Tweet - "Militarizing our border won't make us safe. Walls won't make us safe. Caging kids won't make us safe. Cities like El Paso are the safest in America--not in spite of the fact that we're cities of immigrants, but because of the fact that we're cities of immigrants."
07/18/2019 Tweet - "The same EPA that won't fight climate change refuses to ban a chemical proven to "damage brain development in children." We need an EPA that won't irreversibly harm our children and the planet they will inherit, but will work every day to protect them."
07/17/2019 Tweet - "Universal background checks save kids' lives. More than 90% of Americans support them. They haven't become law because of the NRA and the politicians they've bought off. We must defeat them--and following the lead of the students marching for their lives, I know we will."
07/16/2019 Tweet - "There's video of an officer choking Eric Garner to death, while he says, over and over again, "I can't breathe." 11 times. And yet--no one will be punished. We need to hold police accountable for these murders. And in my Justice Department, we will."
07/16/2019 Tweet - "Trump's gag rule is an attack on women, their health care, and their rights. I stand with @PPact in fighting these dangerous efforts. Regardless of income, everyone should have access to reproductive health care--and that includes abortion."

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