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Mark Begich's Public Statements

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Date Title
09/26/2014 Begich Bill to Increase Payments to Veterans is Signed into Law
09/26/2014 Begich Tax Fairness Bill for Tribes Becomes Law
09/25/2014 Mark Begich Announces Plan to Expand Arctic Economy
09/25/2014 Begich Scoffs at Administration's Heavy-handed Photo Rule for Wilderness Areas
09/24/2014 Begich Makes Sure Federal Fisheries Biologist Position Stays in Alaska
09/24/2014 Letter to John Kerry, Secretary of State - Opposing Hamas and Warning Against Unilateral Palestinian Initiatives that Would Derail Future Peace Talks
09/24/2014 Alaska Delegation Pushes FDA to Support U.S. Pollock Fisheries
09/23/2014 Begich Reinforces Support for Airstrikes Against ISIS in Syria
09/23/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - East Coast GMO Salmon
09/22/2014 ICYMI: Begich Receives Backing from Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
09/22/2014 Begich Sponsors "Billy's Law" to Help Police Find Missing Persons
09/19/2014 Begich Disappointed in Senate's Failure to Pass Alaska Safe Families Bill
09/19/2014 Begich Statement on National POW/MIA Recognition Day
09/19/2014 Begich Applauds Passage of Tax Fairness Bill for Tribes
09/18/2014 Begich Bill Will Strengthen National Guard Investigations and Increase Transparency
09/18/2014 Letter to Meredith Broadbent, Chairman of the International Trade Commission - Protecting Steel Manufacturers Against Dumping of Cheap Foreign Steel
09/18/2014 Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2015
09/18/2014 Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions
09/17/2014 Mark Begich Announces Campaign Finance Reform Platform
09/17/2014 Begich: Nation Should Adopt Alaska Law, Shut Off Koch Spigot
09/17/2014 Bipartisan "Billy's Law" to Help Find the Missing Introduced Today
09/17/2014 Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation Will Enroll Federal Employees in Retirement Investment Funds with Substantially Higher Returns
09/17/2014 Begich: Senate Vote Could Unfairly Price Alaska Students out of Higher Education
09/16/2014 Letter to Penny Pritzker, Secretary of Commerce - Supporting Investigations Into Chinese Imports
09/16/2014 ICYMI: Alaska Receives $5.3 Million in Federal Funding for Health Centers

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