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Carlos Gimenez's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (FL) - District 28

Date Title
10/18/2022 Letter to Hon. Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce - Sens. Rick Scott & Marco Rubio Lead Florida Delegation in Urging Commerce Department to Declare Disaster in Response to Hurricane Ian
08/01/2022 Sen. Rick Scott Leads Colleagues in Resolution Recognizing One-Year Anniversary of Cuban Freedom Protests
06/24/2022 Gimenez Statement on the Supreme Court's Dobbs Decision
05/20/2022 Cruz, Colleagues Slam Biden Administration's Appeasement to Cuban Dictatorship
02/22/2022 Rubio Introduces South Florida Ecosystem Enhancement Act
02/22/2022 Rubio, Scott, and Colleagues Introduce Bill to End Vaccines Mandates for International Truck Drivers
11/08/2021 Gimenez, Scott, Introduce the Supply Chain Emergency Response Act
11/04/2021 Gimenez Statement on New OSHA Guidelines
10/12/2021 Rubio Joins R. Scott, Congressman Donalds in Introducing Legislation to Sanction Cuban Regime for Human Rights Abuses
07/02/2021 Gimenez Votes Against the "My Way or the Highway" Bill
04/15/2021 Gimenez Statement on Court Packing
04/02/2021 Gimenez Statement on Capitol Hill Attack
03/18/2021 Gimenez Votes to Protect DREAMers
03/08/2021 Gimenez on Biden Administration giving TPS to Venezuelan nationals living in the United States
02/25/2021 Gimenez Co-Sponsors Fairness for All Act, Votes Against H.R. 5
02/24/2021 Rubio Joins U.S. Representatives in Honoring the Lives of the Fallen Brothers to the Rescue
02/05/2021 Gimenez Votes Against Budget Resolution
02/04/2021 Gimenez Votes to Remove Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green from Committee Assignments
01/19/2021 Gimenez Applauds Decision to Provide Deferred Enforced Departure Status for Venezuelans in the United States
01/13/2021 Gimenez Votes Against Useless Resolution Asking Pence to Invoke 25th Amendment
01/13/2021 Gimenez Votes Against Impeachment
01/07/2021 Gimenez Statement on Certification of Election Results