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Susan Davis' Public Statements on Issue: Higher Education

Date Title
05/21/2020 Statement: Reps. Khanna, Maloney, Davis on Gao Report on Campus Sexual Violence Data
05/06/2020 Congresswoman Susan Davis Statement on Education Department's Title IX Rule
04/13/2020 Rep. Susan Davis Announces $137 Million in Emergency COVID-19 Funding for Local Colleges and Universities
09/05/2019 GAO Report Reveals Education Department's Failure to Implement Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program
07/25/2019 Reps. Dean and Levin Introduce Bill to Provide Two Years of Free Community College and Increase Higher Ed Affordability
07/16/2019 Scanlon Introduces Legislation to Protect Student Loan Borrowers
07/10/2019 Reps. Davis, Smucker, and Davids Introduce Legislation to End Student Loan Tax
05/07/2019 Representatives Susan Davis, David Price, and Andy Levin Introduce Bill to Increase Foreign Language Skills, Boost American International Competitiveness
03/13/2019 Rep. Susan Davis Statement on College Admissions Scandal
11/16/2018 Rep. Susan Davis Statement on Proposed Title IX Rule to Weaken Standards on Protecting Students
08/30/2018 Congresswoman Susan Davis Reacts to DeVos Plan to End Policies to Prevent Campus Sexual Assault
08/10/2018 Congresswoman Susan Davis: Ending Gainful Employment Protections Only Hurts Students
07/24/2018 Committee Democrats Unveil Vision for Higher Education
05/09/2018 Congresswoman Susan Davis Statement on Closing the CFPB's Office for Students and Young Consumers
03/09/2018 Rep. Susan Davis: Department of Education's Top Priority is to Protect Students, Not Loan Servicers
09/22/2017 Rep. Susan Davis: Title IX Rescission Undermines Efforts to Protect Rights and Safety of Students
06/20/2017 Democrats Unveil Legislation to Boost College Completion
02/07/2017 Committee Democrats Outline Higher Education Priorities at Hearing
02/02/2017 Congresswoman Susan Davis Denounces Effort to Weaken Accountability and Transparency in Education Programs
12/16/2010 Congresswoman Susan Davis Statement on Passage of Tax Bill