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Donald McEachin's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration


Date Title
08/16/2021 McEachin Issues Statement on Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan Presidential Palace
06/18/2020 McEachin Statement Regarding SCOTUS Decision on DACA
08/01/2019 McEachin, Lofgren & Gillibrand Introduce Legislation to Guarantee Legal Counsel for Vulnerable Populations During Immigration Court Proceedings
06/04/2019 McEachin Votes in Support of the American Dream and Promise Act
01/04/2019 McEachin Statement on Vote to End Trump Shutdown
12/22/2018 McEachin Statement on Partial Government Shutdown
07/10/2018 McEachin Statement on Trump Administration Missing Deadline to Reunite Young Children Separated From Their Parents at the Border
06/27/2018 McEachin Statement on Failed Immigration Bill
06/26/2018 McEachin Statement on SCOTUS' Decision to Uphold Trump's Travel Ban
06/19/2018 McEachin Statement on the Keep Families Together Act
06/14/2018 McEachin Statement on Separation of Families at the United States-Mexico Border
09/05/2017 McEachin Statement on Trump Administration's Decision to End DACA
05/03/2017 McEachin on Vote to Support Omnibus Bill
03/16/2017 Congressman McEachin on Rulings Against the President's Updated Muslim Ban
03/08/2017 Congressman McEachin's Statement Against Updated Muslim Ban
03/01/2017 Congressman McEachin Reacts to President Trump's Address
02/09/2017 Congressman McEachin Statement on Appeals Court Ruling
01/30/2017 Congressman Donald McEachin Co-Sponsors Bill to Repeal Executive Order on Immigration
01/28/2017 Congressman Donald McEachin's Statement Against Executive Order on Immigration