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Thelma Drake's Public Statements

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Date Title
04/15/2008 Introduction of the Roth TSP Act of 2008
04/14/2008 Drake Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act Adopted
04/14/2008 Drake Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act Adopted
04/10/2008 Beach Protection Act of 2007
03/14/2008 The SAVE Act
03/14/2008 Drake Urges Congress to Act on Illegal Immigration
03/11/2008 Drake Files Discharge Petition on the S.A.V.E. Act
03/07/2008 Drake: Congress Must Vote on FISA Reform
03/05/2008 FISA
02/29/2008 Drake Supports Lower Energy Costs, Less Dependence on Foreign Oil
02/26/2008 Hearing of the Military Personnel Subcommittee of the House Committee on Armed Services: Fiscal Year 2009 National Defense Authorization Budget Request on Overview of Recruiting, Retention and Compensation
02/14/2008 Drake: Congress Fails to Protect the American People
02/07/2008 Drake Urges Passage of the Giving Relief to Our Small Businesses Act
01/23/2008 Hearing of the House Armed Services Committee - U.S. Strategy and Operations in Afghanistan and the Way Ahead
01/18/2008 Drake Thankful Emergency Funding Now Available for Veterans
12/19/2007 Rep. Drake: Bipartisan SCHIP bill finally passes
12/04/2007 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2007
11/17/2007 House Republican Conference Radio Address by Rep. Thelma Drake
11/15/2007 Hearing of the House Armed Services Committee's Terrorism, Unconventional Threats Subcommittee - Countering Ideological Support for Terrorism
11/08/2007 Drake Demands that Congress Approve Veterans' Spending Bill Before Veterans Day
11/07/2007 Drake Opposes Using Veterans as Leverage to Pass Excessive Domestic Spending
11/07/2007 Funding Our Veterans
11/06/2007 Funding Our Veterans
11/01/2007 Fund Our Veterans
11/01/2007 Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2007

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