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Barbara Lee's Public Statements on Issue: Abortion

Date Title
06/24/2022 Pro-Choice Caucus statement on Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade
05/03/2022 Congresswoman Barbara Lee Issues Statement on Reported Draft Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade
05/03/2022 Pro-Choice Caucus Statement on Draft Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade
02/28/2022 Congresswoman Barbara Lee Condemns Failure of Women's Health Protection Act in the Senate
01/21/2022 Pro-Choice Caucus Leaders Recognize 49th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
12/10/2021 Pro-Choice Caucus Leaders Release Statement on SCOTUS Decision on Texas Six-Week Abortion Ban
09/01/2021 Congresswoman Barbara Lee Statement on Enactment of Texas Anti-Abortion Law
07/29/2021 Strickland, Schakowsky, Colleagues Celebrate Passage of Funding Bill Free of Reproductive Health Restrictions
07/27/2021 Chairwoman Lee Statement to Rules Committee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Program Bill
01/23/2020 Congresswoman Barbara Lee Slams the Trump Administration's Dangerous Global Gag Rule
01/22/2020 Congressional Pro-Choice Leaders Mark the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
01/03/2020 Congressional Pro-Choice leaders condemn effort to overturn Roe v. Wade
05/24/2019 Congressional Pro-Choice Leaders Blast White House over Dangerous and Discriminatory Rule Gutting Affordable Care Act Protections
05/18/2018 Chairman Crowley, Pro-Choice Leaders Issue Joint Statement on President Trump's Title X Domestic Gag Rule
07/18/2016 Statement from Rep. Barbara Lee on the DNC Platform Drafting Committee Meeting
01/22/2013 Congresswoman Lee Issues Statement Recognizing the 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
02/08/2012 Congresswoman Barbara Lee Objects to Continued War on Women's Health
06/02/2009 Hearing Of The Labor, Health And Human Service, Education And Related Agencies Subcommitee Of The House Appropriation Committee