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Barbara Lee's Public Statements on Issue: Military Personnel

Date Title
08/23/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Quigley Leads Letter Urging Administration to End Discriminatory Military Policy
07/06/2016 "We Must Keep Our Promises and Bring This War to a Close."
07/01/2016 Congresswoman Barbara Lee's Statement on White House's Civilian Causalities Report
06/15/2016 On National Security, Congress is Missing in Action
06/10/2016 Expanded U.S. Role in Afghanistan Shows Nation's Longest War Is Far From Over
03/02/2016 Representatives DeSaulnier and Lee Continue Push to Recognize Port Chicago 50
06/10/2014 Congresswoman Lee Lauds Passage of Amendment to Ban Funding for Discriminatory Hair Regulations in the U.S. Army
04/29/2014 Secretary Hagel Addresses Unauthorized Hairstyles, Responds to Letter Sent by Women of the CBC
09/23/2013 64 Members of Congress, Led by Congressman Dan Kildee, Call on Iran to Release Amir Hekmati As U.N. General Assembly Starts
08/01/2013 Congresswoman Barbara Lee Leads Bipartisan Letter Urging President Obama to leave no U.S. troops in Afghanistan After 2014
06/29/2011 Grijalva Joined By Broad Cross-Section of Members of Congress In Praising Yesterday's First Ever Senate Hearing on The DREAM Act
03/02/2011 Congresswoman Barbara Lee Urges Secretary Clinton to Enforce Human Rights Laws of Merida Initiative
01/06/2011 Congresswoman Lee: More Troops Not the Answer in Afghanistan
09/30/2010 Barbara Lee Introduces Legislation to Repeal the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force
08/21/2010 Barbara Lee Comments on Withdrawal of Combat Troops from Iraq
04/14/2010 Barbara Lee Joins Colleagues In Introducing Bill Calling For Timeline In Afghanistan
05/05/2009 Getting It Right In Afghanistan
03/19/2009 Asking The Hard Questions About The Iraq War
02/25/2009 Barbara Lee Introduces Resolution to Increase Non-Military Foreign Assistance to One Percent of GDP
08/11/2008 Congresswoman Barbara Lee Releases Statement On Russian Military Invasion Of Georgia
04/25/2008 Barbara Lee Supports Coast Guard Reauthorization Act
03/05/2008 Barbara Lee Resolution Calls for Troop Redeployment To Offset ‘Iraq Recession'
10/10/2007 Barbara Lee: New Poll Shows Strong Opposition to Unconditional Iraq Funding, Support for Funding Redeployment
07/24/2007 Rep. Ellen Tauscher Introduces Legislation to Establish Minimum Periods Between Deployments for National Guard and Reserve Units
05/10/2007 As House Prepares for Historic Vote, Barbara Lee Speaks Out in Favor of Withdrawal