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Jackie Speier's Public Statements on Issue: Higher Education

Date Title
06/23/2022 Speier Statement on Biden Administration's Proposed Title IX Rule Changes
08/04/2021 Democratic Women's Caucus Statement on Release of Kaplan Report Findings on Gender Equity Issues in the NCAA
08/04/2021 Maloney, Speier, and Sherrill Call on NCAA to Take Action to Address Gender Inequities Following Release of New Report
07/30/2020 Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence Unveils Legislative Agenda
12/10/2019 Slotkin, Pressley, Speier, Kuster Introduce Bill to Prevent Secretary DeVos From Rolling Back Title IX Survivor Protections
12/05/2019 Rep Speier Reintroduces Legislation to Combat Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in Academia
06/21/2019 Kuster, Speier, Fitzpatrick, and Adams Reintroduce HALT Campus Sexual Violence Act to Strengthen Prevention Efforts, Hold Perpetrators Accountable
12/13/2017 Jones Works to Protect Veterans from Predatory for-Profit Colleges
09/07/2017 Rep. Speier's Response to Secretary DeVos's Title IX Announcement
09/12/2016 Congresswoman Jackie Speier Asks Department of Education to Help Survivors of Sexual Assault with Student Loans
07/30/2014 Congresswoman Speier Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Protect College Students from Sexual Assault
06/11/2014 Congresswoman Speier Says Overdue ACCJC Decision a Probable Win for City College Student
05/27/2014 Pelosi, Speier, Eshoo Condemn Continued ACCJC Failure of Leadership in CCSF Matter
04/29/2014 Congresswoman Speier: Congress Must Act on Sexual Assault Recommendations from White House
02/16/2012 Representatives Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill To Reform For-Profit College Industry Treatment Of Military And Veteran Education Benefits