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Gary Peters' Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

  • U.S. Senate (MI) - Jr, Democratic Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chair
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Date Title
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Budget & Tax Cuts
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Middle Class
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Budget & Deficit Reduction
11/25/2013 Letter to House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp and Ranking Member Sander Levin - Tax Reform
11/07/2013 Letter to U.S. Patent & Trademark Office - Stop Unfair Innovation Tax
06/28/2013 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House, and Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Leader of the House - Tax Exempt Municipal Bonds
04/25/2013 Letter to Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security - Abandon Cross-Border Fee Proposal
04/15/2013 On Tax Day, Peters & Gardner Call on Congress to Root Out Billions in Duplicative Spending & Save Tax Dollars
03/21/2013 Fighting for Michigan, U.S. Rep. Gary Peters Votes Against Ryan Budget
01/01/2013 U.S. Rep. Gary Peters Statement on Fiscal Cliff Deal
09/21/2012 Congressmen Peters, Stark and Lewis Introduce Legislation to Renew Computer Donation Tax Deduction
09/21/2012 Reps. Lewis, Stark, and Peters Call for Renewal of Computer Donation Tax Deduction
08/01/2012 U.S. Rep. Gary Peters Votes Against GOP Bill to Protect Bush Tax Cuts for Millionaires
07/11/2012 U.S. Rep. Gary Peters Applauds President Obama for Taking Action to Help Small Business
04/17/2012 U.S. Rep Peters Marks Tax Day with a Call for Tax Fairness
02/29/2012 Payroll Tax Cut Conference Report
02/08/2012 Motion to Instruct Conferees on H.R. 3630, Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act of 2011
01/06/2012 Unemployment Rate Drops to 8.5% - Rep. Peters Highlights Impact of Middle Class Payroll Tax Cut and Calls for Clean Extension
12/14/2011 Gary Peters Votes Against Republican Bill to Protect Millionaires
11/30/2011 Rep. Gary Peters Calls on House Republicans to Pass Payroll Tax Cut for Middle Class Families
05/04/2011 Peters: End Taxpayer Subsidies for Yachts
05/03/2011 Quigley, Walz, Peters Introduce Bill to End Subsidies for Luxury Yachts
10/07/2010 Compromise Tax-cut Deal Necessary To Protect Middle Class, Unemployed
09/16/2010 CNN "American Morning" - Transcript
09/15/2010 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and Steny Hoyer, Majority Leader

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