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Gary Peters' Public Statements on Issue: Unemployed and Low-Income

  • U.S. Senate (MI) - Jr, Democratic Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chair
Date Title
03/20/2017 Peters, Stabenow, Kildee Announce $5.5 Million to Expand Flint Early Head Start
03/20/2017 Peters, Stabenow, Announce $3.8 Million to Expand Head Start Programs for Pontiac Area Children
03/28/2016 Peters Visits Oakland Community College, Hosts Student Roundtable to Highlight New Bill to Make College More Affordable & Accessible
08/19/2014 Gary Vows to Continue Protecting Medicare on 49th Anniversary
04/07/2014 Peters Calls on House to Prioritize Economy & Bring Unemployment Insurance Extension Up for a Vote
01/24/2014 Reps. Peters and Levin Meet with Unemployed Workers and Call for Extension of Unemployment Insurance
07/10/2012 U.S. Rep. Gary Peters Helps Lead Democratic Colleagues in Fight Against GOP's Cuts to Food Assistance
05/10/2012 U.S. Rep. Gary Peters Publishes Report on Devastating Effects of Today's GOP Bill to Michiganders
03/29/2012 United States Representative Gary Peters Votes Against GOP Ryan Budget That Would Force Families Into Poverty While Protecting Billionaires
03/20/2012 United States Representative Gary Peters Denounces GOP Ryan Budget That Would Hurt Children by Cutting SNAP Food Assistance
02/09/2012 U.S. Rep. Gary Peters Leads Fight to Fully Maintain Long-Term Unemployment Benefits
12/14/2011 Gary Peters Votes Against Republican Bill to Protect Millionaires
10/18/2011 Peters Introduces Federal Legislation to End Auto Asset Test for Food Assistance
10/07/2010 Compromise Tax-cut Deal Necessary To Protect Middle Class, Unemployed
02/26/2010 Congressman Peters Speaks Out Against Failure Of Senate To Extend Unemployment Benefits