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Steve Scalise's Public Statements on Issue: Religion

Date Title
11/28/2021 Tweet - "Happy #Hanukkah to everyone celebrating across America! May this season bring joy, peace, and light to your family!"
09/15/2021 Tweet - "Wishing a meaningful and easy fast to everyone observing #YomKippur across America."
11/26/2020 Tweet - "(Special Characters) HUGE victory for religious freedom at the Supreme Court! Last night the Court struck down Cuomo's unconstitutional action to restrict religious gatherings in churches and synagogues. "Even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten.""
01/16/2020 Tweet - "Religious freedom is a fundamental, uniquely American right established by our Founding Fathers in the First Amendment to the Constitution. I will never stop fighting to protect it. #ReligiousFreedomDay"
12/29/2019 Tweet - "The wave of anti-Semitic attacks in New York and New Jersey is horrifying. We must fight this evil and call it out wherever we see it. No one should have to live in fear in their own home simply because of their religious beliefs."
06/20/2019 Tweet - "Today's ruling is a victory for religious freedom in America. I led two amicus briefs to the court supporting the preservation of the Bladensburg Peace Cross, which I'm glad will remain a testament to the 49 American soldiers who gave their lives in service to their country."
04/27/2019 Tweet - "My prayers are with the Jewish community of Poway. No one should fear for their safety at a house of worship. The rising anti-Semitism we are seeing across our country is alarming and dangerous, and we need to stand up against it and combat it wherever it rears its ugly head."
03/15/2019 Tweet - "My deepest condolences and prayers are with the families of the victims senselessly killed in the Christchurch, New Zealand mosque attack. A house of worship should be a sacred place where people can feel safe practicing their faith."
02/11/2019 Tweet - "Good that some Dems have condemned the disgraceful anti-Semitic remarks of Rep. Omar--but their words are empty unless Dem leaders remove her from the Foreign Affairs Committee. No one with her anti-Semitic views should be allowed to represent US foreign policy on that committee."
01/27/2019 Tweet - "On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we join with people around the world to honor the six million Jewish victims and salute the World War II heroes who risked their lives to liberate concentration camps and defeat Nazism. #WeRemember"
11/08/2018 Tweet - "Republicans are standing up for religious liberty across America."
10/30/2018 Tweet - "Unity, support, and prayers will help the Tree of Life Synagogue and the people of Pittsburgh get through this horrific tragedy."
10/27/2018 Tweet - "My heart is broken and my prayers are with the members of the Tree of Life Synagogue, the brave first responders, and all affected by this despicable act of evil and hatred."
10/12/2018 Tweet - "In May, I proudly joined 153 of my House colleagues in sending a letter to President Erdogan demanding the release of Pastor Brunson. I commend President @realDonaldTrump for his efforts to reunite the Brunson family and for defending religious freedom throughout the world."
09/06/2018 Tweet - "Hatred and bigotry have no place in our society. This cowardly act of anti-Semitism is disgraceful, and I hope the criminal who perpetrated it is brought to justice. I am proud to stand with the good people of the Northshore Jewish Congregation."
06/29/2018 Tweet - "I will always stand up for religious liberty. As we celebrate #ReligiousFreedomWeek, it's important to recognize how fortunate we are as Americans to have the right to practice our faith freely and confidently."
06/26/2018 Tweet - "We're guaranteed the freedom to live out our faith. I'm glad the Supreme Court upheld that freedom in today's important ruling. California's attack on pro-life pregnancy centers represents just the latest example of big-government liberalism's disdain for religious liberty."