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Steve Scalise's Public Statements on Issue: Abortion

Date Title
06/24/2023 Scalise Celebrates One Year Anniversary of Dobbs Decision
05/03/2022 House GOP Leadership's Statement on Unprecedented SCOTUS Leak
01/20/2022 Scalise and Fischbach: America Is Ready for a World Without Roe V. Wade
12/01/2021 Scalise: Let's Stand Up for Life All Across America
07/15/2021 Scalise Slams Assault on the Hyde Amendment by Pelosi's Liberal Lieutenants
09/26/2020 Scalise Applauds Trump's Born-Alive Executive Order
02/25/2020 Wagner, Scalise Blast Senate Democrats on Born-Alive Vote
02/25/2020 Scalise, Wagner Blast Senate Democrats on Born-Alive Vote
02/11/2020 Scalise Applauds Senate Hearing on Born-Alive Act
01/24/2020 Scalise Statement on Louisiana Becoming the Number One Pro-Life State in America
06/06/2019 Scalise Statement on Fetal Tissue Rule
02/05/2019 Scalise Statement on State of the Union Address
05/21/2018 Scalise Applauds Trump for Restoring Reagan-Era Title X Regulations
01/19/2018 House Passes Pro-Life Legislation on Day of Annual March for Life
01/23/2017 Scalise: Republicans Act Swiftly To Protect Innocent Human Life
02/02/2016 Taking a Stand for Our American Values
01/22/2016 Defending The Unborn
01/05/2016 What Is Reconciliation?
12/03/2015 Scalise on Senate Passage of Reconciliation
10/07/2015 Scalise Statement on Select Panel to Investigate Abortion Practices
09/30/2015 House Votes To Protect the Unborn
09/29/2015 Protecting Women's Health And Safety
07/15/2015 Scalise: Congress Must Investigate and Put a Stop to Planned Parenthood's Gruesome Practices
01/22/2015 Protecting the Lives of the Unborn
04/17/2013 Blackburn and Scalise Outraged by Media Cover-up of Planned Parenthood Scandal and Gosnell Murders