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Steve Scalise's Public Statements on Issue: Abortion

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Date Title
01/21/2022 Tweet - "The FIRST of our three inalienable rights listed is LIFE. And it's up to us to fight to protect the lives of vulnerable unborn children. That's #WhyWeMarch. It's that simple."
09/24/2021 Tweet - "BREAKING (special character) (special character) Nancy Pelosi's House Majority just voted to legalize abortion on demand up until birth. Absolutely horrifying. Never let them tell you they're "moderate.""
07/15/2021 Tweet - "For 40+ years the Hyde Amendment has made sure taxpayer money doesn't fund abortion-on-demand--and it's always had bipartisan support. But now Democrats are working hard to eliminate it completely. That's how radical they've become. Disgusting. #HydeSavesLives"
04/14/2021 Tweet - "(Special character) BREAKING @RepKatCammack just filed a discharge petition to force Pelosi to allow a vote on @RepAnnWagner's Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Proud to be one of the first signers. Will Dems finally join us? Or keep blocking this life-saving legislation?"
01/29/2021 Tweet - "It took Biden less than 48 hours to announce extreme executive action to promote abortion. That's #WhyWeMarch. That's why I just re-introduced the life-saving Born Alive Act with @RepAnnWagner that Pelosi has been blocking for nearly two years. We won't stop fighting for Life."
01/29/2021 Tweet - "It took Biden less than 48 hours to announce extreme executive action to promote abortion. That's #WhyWeMarch. That's why I just re-introduced the life-saving Born Alive Act with @RepAnnWagner that Pelosi has been blocking for nearly two years. We won't stop fighting for Life."
06/29/2020 Tweet - "Horrible SCOTUS decision; The Supreme Court just ruled that states can't even hold abortion clinics to similar health standards as other medical centers. Women and babies deserve emergency care--no matter the situation or what abortionists think. We won't quit fighting."
03/05/2020 Tweet - "Proud to rally with fellow #ProLife Americans at the Supreme Court for Louisiana's life-saving law! We should all be able to agree ALL abortion providers should be required to have admitting privileges at local hospitals for when emergencies arise. #ProtectWomen #ProtectLife"
02/11/2020 Tweet - "Pelosi and her abortion-extremist colleagues are still blocking a vote on the #BornAlive Act. We're asking for something simple: That every baby gets the same level of lifesaving care. Thank you @SenSasse for holding a hearing on this critical legislation. It's time for action."
09/10/2019 Tweet - "It's simple: every newborn deserves life-saving care, including abortion survivors. That's not revolutionary or controversial. Yet House Democrats are burying the #BornAlive Abortion Survivors Protection Act--blocking it 80 times from a vote. That's shameful. #EndInfanticide"
05/29/2019 Tweet - "I am proud of the Louisiana Legislature for their action to protect innocent life. I will continue fighting in Congress for pro-life legislation like the Born Alive Act that would protect children born alive outside the womb."
05/23/2019 Tweet - "Democrats have now blocked a vote on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act 50 times. This is critical legislation to protect babies born alive during attempted abortions from being killed outside the womb. Republicans won't stop fighting to end this barbaric practice."
03/29/2019 Tweet - "Some states allow babies who are born alive during attempted abortions to be killed outside the womb. Congress must stop this barbaric practice. That's why I'm filing a discharge petition on Tuesday to force Nancy Pelosi to allow a vote on @RepAnnWagner's bill to #EndInfanticide."
03/27/2019 Tweet - "You deserve to know where your representative stands on infanticide. That's why I'm filing a discharge petition on the Born Alive Act next Tuesday. Everyone should have to go on record and tell people whether or not they support this barbaric practice. #LetUsVote #EndInfanticide"
03/13/2019 Tweet - "Infanticide is a barbaric practice. Yet it's legal in many states, and Democrats are trying to keep it that way. But I won't stop fighting to bring @RepAnnWagner's Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to the House Floor for a vote."
03/12/2019 Tweet - "Democrats are so out of step with reality that they're blocking legislation to protect babies born alive during abortions from being left to die. I'm working to bring @RepAnnWagner's bill to the Floor so they have to tell the American people on record if they support infanticide."
03/01/2019 Tweet - "Democrats who told their constituents they're pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment are now voting for Nancy Pelosi's radical liberal agenda--stripping gun rights from law abiding citizens and allowing babies born alive during an abortion to be killed. The American people deserve better."
02/13/2019 Tweet - "I won't stop fighting to bring legislation to the House Floor that protects babies born alive during abortions and punishes doctors who leave them to die. This shouldn't even be a debate. But for the past week, Democrats have refused to even consider this legislation."
02/08/2019 Tweet - "Wherever you stand on abortion, how can you think it's anything other than murder to kill a baby after it's born alive during an abortion? Today I asked the House Democrat Majority Leader why they once again refused to even consider our bill to ban this disgusting practice."
02/07/2019 Tweet - "Yesterday I introduced a resolution that will force every single Democrat to now go on record and reveal to the American people whether or not they support infanticide. It's simple: you're either willing to accept born-alive babies being killed or you're not."
02/07/2019 Tweet - "Before the entire House, I asked for immediate consideration of a bill that protects infants born alive during abortions. But Democrats rejected my motion and refused to consider it. Why won't they go on record and tell the American people where they stand on infanticide?"
02/06/2019 Tweet - "The Democrats' silence is shameful. They must go on record against infanticide. Americans deserve to know where their reps stand on this issue. I started the process to force Pelosi to bring a bill to the Floor to protect babies born alive during abortion."
01/24/2019 Tweet - "Today House Democrats for the third time voted AGAINST paying federal workers as negotiations continue. I asked the House Democrat Majority Leader a simple question: how can Democrats claim to support workers when they refuse to pay them and instead use them as political pawns?"
01/18/2019 Tweet - "#WhyWeMarch To say Planned Parenthood doesn't deserve to be subsidized by taxpayers. To say it's wrong that the US is 1 of only 7 nations--like North Korea--in the world that allow abortion on demand at any point in pregnancy. To say we are fighting for the unborn. #MarchForLife"
01/18/2019 Tweet - "I'm proud to stand with #ProLife Americans today as they march for life!"

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