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Steve Scalise's Public Statements on Issue: Abortion

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Date Title
07/29/2021 Scalise: Democrats are Creating Constant Crises
07/20/2021 Six Months Of Biden: Inflation, Border Crisis, And Taxes
04/14/2021 Scalise, Wagner, And Cammack Lead Discharge Process To Force Vote On Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act
04/14/2021 Cammack, Scalise, Wagner Lead Discharge Process To Force Vote On Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
04/14/2021 Wagner, Scalise, and Cammack Lead Discharge Process to Force Vote on Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act
04/12/2021 Scalise, Wagner, And Cammack To File Born Alive Discharge Petition On April 14Th
04/12/2021 Rep. Kat Cammack To File Born-Alive Discharge Petition With Whip Steve Scalise & Rep. Ann Wagner On April 14th
04/12/2021 Wagner, Scalise, and Cammack to File Born Alive Discharge Petition on April 14th
02/17/2021 The Daily Signal - Protecting Newborns Is Common Sense. Time for Congress to Take Action
01/29/2021 Scalise and Wagner Reintroduce Born-Alive Act for 117th Congress
01/02/2020 Scalise Leads Over 200 Members to File Amicus Brief Supporting Louisiana's Pro-Life Law
09/11/2019 Opening Statement of Rep. Steve Scalise, Hearing on "End Infanticide: Examining the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act."
06/11/2019 Democrats Block Protections Against Infanticide in Appropriations Bill
04/02/2019 Standing with Abortion Survivors, Advocates, Scalise Calls for Pelosi to #LetUsVote
04/02/2019 Republican Leaders: Let us vote to protect newborns
03/26/2019 Scalise and Wagner to File Born Alive Discharge on April 2nd
03/04/2019 Scalise, Inhofe: Where the "Born Alive' abortion bill goes from here
02/06/2019 Scalise and Wagner Begin Discharge Process to Force Vote on Born Alive Survivors Protection Act
02/06/2019 Scalise on America's Newsroom: I Don't Know What World Democrats Are Living In
02/06/2019 Congress Should Reach for Greatness by Securing the Border and Protecting the Unborn
01/18/2019 Scalise Applauds President Trump's Pro-Life Commitment
01/05/2019 Democrats Allow Funding for Abortions Abroad, Refuse to Fund Increased Border Security
09/16/2014 Another Day, Another Obamacare Broken Promise
09/16/2014 Nonpartisan, Independent Watchdog Demonstrates Obamacare Uses Taxpayer Dollars for Abortion Coverage
01/04/2013 Black Joined by Scalise, Smith, Pitts, Fleming & 19 Fellow House Members Introduce Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act

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