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Steve Scalise's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

Date Title
01/20/2022 Tweet - "Biden on Afghanistan: "I make no apologies for what I did." Seriously? No apology to the families of the 13 troops killed? To the Americans still stuck there? To the women and girls now living under Taliban rule? For handing our military equipment to terrorists? Shameful."
01/03/2022 Tweet - "If Twitter actually cared about "misinformation" they would've banned the Chinese Communist Party. Or the Taliban. Or the Ayatollah. Or Dems pushing the Russia collusion hoax. But instead they choose to go after elected Republican officials. We will hold Big Tech accountable."
09/22/2021 Tweet - "Let's be clear: Dems are aiding terrorists. First they handed the Taliban tens of billions of dollars in military equipment. And yesterday, they cut Iron Dome funding--which protects Israel from terrorists--from their spending bill. They're putting our national security at risk."
09/08/2021 Tweet - "Let's review: Biden said our troops wouldn't leave until all Americans got out. Then he pulled our troops before all Americans got out. Americans are STILL stranded. But that didn't stop him from going on vacation last weekend. Absolutely shameful from a commander in chief."
08/26/2021 Tweet - "What makes me sick is this was avoidable. Biden should've never allowed Taliban control before Americans got out--or caved to the Taliban deadline. We don't take orders from terrorists. Biden must get every American home. My prayers are with our fallen heroes & their families."
08/25/2021 Tweet - "People will look back at this week and ask what Democrats in Congress were doing while Americans were stranded in Afghanistan. The answer is they were busy ramming through another multi-trillion dollar liberal spending bill. Nothing on Afghanistan. Shameful."
08/24/2021 Tweet - "This is outrageous. The Taliban demanded all U.S. troops be out by August 31. And now Biden confirms that's his plan. Even though Americans are still stranded. The President of the United States of America is now taking orders from the Taliban. What an absolute disgrace."
08/24/2021 Tweet - "Biden's priorities say it all: This week he's been on the phone pressuring Dems to vote for tax increases and more government spending. Why hasn't all his time on the phone been spent working to get every American out of Afghanistan? It's a national and international disgrace."
01/08/2020 Tweet - "This is a safer world because a brutal terrorist who killed hundreds of Americans and was planning to kill even more is dead because of the bold action of @realDonaldTrump . All Americans should be united against this evil. It's disappointing to see Dems try to make it partisan."
01/07/2020 Tweet - "Tonight our nation stands with our brave men and women in uniform who are serving overseas on the front line. The United States will stand up to terrorists who want to kill Americans."
01/02/2020 Tweet - "If you come after the United States, we will come after you with overwhelming strength. Soleimani was one of the world's most brutal terrorists. Thanks to @realDonaldTrump's decisive action, Soleimani won't be able to kill anyone else. This is a major victory."
10/27/2019 Tweet - "The mission that took out ISIS-leader al-Baghdadi is a major victory in our war on terror. I congratulate our special ops force and @realDonaldTrump. This sends a powerful message that the United States will seek justice against anyone who seeks to reign terror against America."
06/24/2019 Tweet - ".@realDonaldTrump is absolutely right to continue applying maximum sanctions on the Iranian leadership responsible for supporting terrorism and taking action to destabilize the Middle East. We must make sure Iran never obtains a nuclear weapon."
03/25/2019 Tweet - "Steve Scalise Retweeted Donald J. Trump The Hamas rocket attacks threatening the lives of innocent Israelis reaffirm the need for our strong relationship with Israel. In the face of Democrats' anti-Israel radicalism, I'm glad @realDonaldTrump makes it clear we firmly stand behind our most important ally in the region."
12/20/2018 Tweet - "Thank you for your decades of service to our nation, Secretary Mattis. You are an American hero."
09/26/2018 Tweet - "Headed to the @WhiteHouse defense appropriations bill + Fully funds the @DeptofDefense + Restores military strength + Gives our troops their largest pay raise in nearly a decade America's armed forces will soon have the resources and predictability they need to succeed."
09/26/2018 Tweet - "This is an important day for our men and women in uniform. With today's defense funding bill, we're rebuilding our military and giving America's service members the certainty and tools they need to carry out their mission."
08/09/2018 Tweet - "Republicans have launched a historic rebuilding of our military, raised pay for our troops, and reformed the VA to provide better care to our veterans. As a result, America is stronger and #BetterOffNow. Learn more:"
07/26/2018 Tweet - "Congress just sent legislation to @realDonaldTrump's desk to ensure our men & women in uniform have the tools & training they need to safely & successfully carry out their mission. Rebuilds our armed services, Restores military readiness, Gives our troops a raise"
07/02/2018 Tweet - "America faces enemies on several fronts, from terrorism in the Middle East to nuclear threats in Asia to cyber warfare, and our men and women in uniform are our first line of defense. Last week, we passed the #FY2019 Defense Funding Bill to give them the tools to be effective."
04/13/2018 Tweet - "I strongly support @POTUS's decision to work with our UK and French allies to respond decisively to the Syrian regime's criminal use of chemical weapons against innocent men, women and children."
02/08/2018 Tweet - "The Bipartisan Budget Act is a big win. It fully funds our military -- something that we have desperately needed for a long time. #FundOurTroops"
01/30/2018 Tweet - "The House just passed funding for the @DeptofDefense (Special Character) I urge the Senate to pass it as well to give our troops the support they need and deserve."
01/06/2018 Tweet - "It was important to hear from Secretary of Defense Mattis this weekend at Camp David. We talked about the national security threats we face, and how critical it is to ensure our men and women in uniform have the resources they need."