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Steve Scalise's Public Statements on Issue: Guns

Date Title
04/08/2021 Tweet - "In just 4 months Biden caved to the Left and issued extreme, left-wing directives on guns that won't stop criminals from committing crimes. He should focus on stopping the out-of-control illegal immigration instead of stripping law-abiding American citizens of our rights."
03/23/2021 Tweet - "The Left will exploit this tragedy to grab the guns of law-abiding citizens with radical laws that won't stop dangerous criminals from committing crimes. Remember: These are the same hypocrites who blocked reporting illegal immigrants to ICE when they try to illegally buy a gun."
03/13/2021 Tweet - "Democrats this week: -- Voted FOR stripping gun rights from law-abiding citizens -- Voted AGAINST requiring ICE to be notified if an illegal immigrant tries to buy a gun Their priorities tell you all you need to know."
09/21/2019 Tweet - "When there are breakdowns in the background check system and the existing laws designed to prevent mass shootings, the solution is to fix those breakdowns and properly enforce those laws--not confiscate the guns of law-abiding citizens."
08/04/2019 Tweet - "THREAD: There is a sickness in our nation. Our religious & community institutions--the glue that bonds us--are declining as a central force in society, while the politicization of every aspect of life rises. These shooters turned to hatred & violence--as a result, dozens are dead."
03/02/2019 Tweet - "The reality: The gun control laws Democrats passed this week to take away your rights wouldn't have stopped any of the recent mass shootings. Instead, they should focus on holding bureaucrats who failed us all by not properly enforcing the laws already on the books accountable."
03/01/2019 Tweet - "Democrats who told their constituents they're pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment are now voting for Nancy Pelosi's radical liberal agenda--stripping gun rights from law abiding citizens and allowing babies born alive during an abortion to be killed. The American people deserve better."
02/28/2019 Tweet - "A new low for Democrats By voting to make it harder for domestic violence victims to protect themselves from abusers, Democrats proved to the American people that they aren't serious about preventing gun violence and are instead just interested in pushing their liberal agenda."
02/27/2019 Tweet - "I strongly oppose the gun control bills brought forward this week under the guise of background checks. Republicans identified many problems with this bill and the Democrat majority shut out almost every one of our solutions."
02/27/2019 Tweet - "Democrats refused to let me testify at their gun control hearing because I won't spread their radical gun control message. But the American people deserve the truth: the Democrat gun control bills take away the rights of law-abiding citizens and make it harder to defend yourself."
02/27/2019 Tweet - "The Democrat gun control bills will make criminals out of law-abiding citizens--yet they won't allow an illegal immigrant who fails a background check while trying to buy a gun to be turned over to ICE. That's disgraceful, and it shows their true intentions."
02/26/2019 Tweet - "I'm joining The @IngrahamAngle on @FoxNews tonight to share my story and the truth about the Democrat gun control bill the House is voting on this week: it's not a serious attempt to prevent gun violence, and instead aims to take away the rights of law-abiding U.S. citizens."
02/07/2019 Tweet - "Historically, Members of Congress--regardless of party--have been welcomed to testify before committees. But this new, leftist majority refused to let me share my story as a shooting survivor and supporter of the 2nd Amendment at the House Judiciary Committee's gun control hearing."
02/06/2019 Tweet - "Today Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee refused to let me share my testimony at their gun control hearing. They didn't want to hear what I had to say about the 2nd Amendment. But conservatives won't be silenced: I'm joining The @IngrahamAngle on @FoxNews soon to discuss."
07/25/2018 Tweet - "The Second Amendment is as important today as it was the day it was placed in the Bill of Rights. @TPUSA #HSLS2018"
03/28/2018 Tweet - "I applaud President Trump for standing up for the 2nd Amendment against attempts by liberals like former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens who want to take away those cherished rights. #2A"