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Steve Scalise's Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch

Date Title
06/24/2022 Scalise: We Must Protect the Second Amendment, Due Process, and the Rights of Law-abiding Gun Owners
06/24/2022 Tweet - "If Dems had their way, there would be unlimited abortion on demand--paid for by taxpayers. Proof of that: After the Supreme Court leak last month, Senate Dems rushed to push for a vote on a bill that would've legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy."
06/23/2022 Tweet - "The Supreme Court makes it clear: Stripping law-abiding citizens of their 2nd Amendment rights is unconstitutional. Big win for freedom!"
01/13/2022 Tweet - "Huge victory for freedom and hardworking Americans! The Supreme Court just BLOCKED Biden's authoritarian vaccine mandate for businesses. But let's be clear: This doesn't go far enough. Health care workers should NOT be subjected to this tyrannical mandate either."
11/26/2020 Tweet - "(Special Characters) HUGE victory for religious freedom at the Supreme Court! Last night the Court struck down Cuomo's unconstitutional action to restrict religious gatherings in churches and synagogues. "Even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten.""
10/26/2020 Tweet - "(Special Characters) Amy Coney Barrett is now Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Great day for America! She's one of the the most impressive jurists I've seen--and she's sure to make decisions as they should be made: based on the Constitution, not a political agenda."
10/22/2020 Tweet - "(Special Character) @realDonaldTrump's Supreme Court pick was just approved UNANIMOUSLY by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Dems have nothing on her. Their petty delay tactics are failing. Next Up: Full Senate Vote. Judge Amy Coney Barrett will soon be Justice Amy Coney Barrett. #ConfirmACB"
09/26/2020 Tweet - "Another great Supreme Court pick by @realDonaldTrump. Amy Coney Barrett is an impeccable jurist and an extraordinarily thoughtful, principled woman committed to our Constitution--and a New Orleans native! She deserves a swift, fair Senate process focused on her qualifications."
09/18/2020 Tweet - "My prayers are with the family of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was a tough fighter, battling cancer multiple times, while still playing a powerful role as a jurist on our Nation's highest court."
06/29/2020 Tweet - "Horrible SCOTUS decision; The Supreme Court just ruled that states can't even hold abortion clinics to similar health standards as other medical centers. Women and babies deserve emergency care--no matter the situation or what abortionists think. We won't quit fighting."
11/02/2018 Tweet - "Great news, #SCOTUS will hear arguments in a case challenging the constitutionality of the Bladensburg WWI Memorial Cross. I was proud to lead a brief signed by 109 Members of Congress urging the Court to hear this important appeal & protect our country's traditions & values."
10/08/2018 Tweet - "Congratulations to Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Despite Democrats' despicable smear tactics, sanity and truth prevailed, and I look forward to him serving on the Supreme Court for many years to come."
10/06/2018 Tweet - "Lowest unemployment since 1969 Highest wage growth in 17 months #TaxCuts at every income level 90% of Americans seeing higher take home pay #Kavanaugh confirmed, Nothing but net."
09/26/2018 Tweet - "Judge Kavanaugh is a man of high integrity and has all the qualifications to be on the Supreme Court. He deserves the presumption of innocence. This confirmation process needs to be based on facts."
09/26/2018 Tweet - "PASSED, Landmark legislation creating a blanket licensing system to streamline how digital providers obtain the rights to the music they offer, while ensuring fair compensation for the musicians and writers."
09/24/2018 Tweet - "Senator @ChuckGrassley has been more than fair. Meanwhile, Democrats have resorted to politically motivated delay and obstruction tactics. #JudgeKavanaugh"
09/24/2018 Tweet - "We believe in innocence until proven guilty. Democrats are letting politics get in the way of that established principle."
09/21/2018 Tweet - "These vile threats against Judge Kavanaugh"s family are unacceptable. No one should be threatened, and we cannot accept violent threats as normal parts of our political discourse. This has to stop."
09/17/2018 Tweet - ".@ChuckGrassley is working to ensure his committee does its due diligence on this matter. The fact that Democrats chose to sit on this for weeks and leak it at the last moment raises serious questions about their motivations, which have been on display since these hearings began."
09/04/2018 Tweet - "This display from Democrats is embarrassing. When you resort to screaming & shouting in an attempt to shut down debate, it means you don't have facts or real arguments on your side. Even the liberal-leaning ABA unanimously gave #JudgeKavanaugh their highest rating: well-qualified"
07/09/2018 Tweet - "Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be an excellent Supreme Court justice! There is no question that he is incredibly qualified and deserving of sitting on our nation's highest court. I urge the Senate to swiftly confirm him."
06/26/2018 Tweet - "We're guaranteed the freedom to live out our faith. I'm glad the Supreme Court upheld that freedom in today's important ruling. California's attack on pro-life pregnancy centers represents just the latest example of big-government liberalism's disdain for religious liberty."
04/25/2018 Tweet - "The Music Modernization Act just passed the House unanimously! Music is part of Louisiana's heart and soul, and our musicians and songwriters need to be treated fairly in the digital age. Check out the broad coalition singing its praises and learn more >> …"
11/30/2017 Tweet - "Jose Zarate should never have been in this country in the first place after being deported 5 times already. We must secure our borders, put an end to so-called "sanctuary cities," and prevent the kind of injustice suffered by Kate Steinle and her family."