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Steve Scalise's Public Statements on Issue: Trade

Date Title
07/15/2022 Tweet - "Biden is in Saudi Arabia begging a dictator for more oil when we have all the oil we need right here in America. He's not anti-oil. He's just anti-American oil. Let that sink in."
05/20/2021 Tweet - "Joe Biden: - Killed the Keystone XL pipeline and the American jobs it supported - Waived sanctions to clear the way for a Russian pipeline - Plans to give our vaccine technology to China America Last."
01/29/2020 Tweet - "BREAKING @realDonaldTrump just signed his historic trade deal with Mexico and Canada. #USMCA is a huge win for American workers and farmers! Promises made. Promises kept."
12/19/2019 Tweet - "Dems claimed @realDonaldTrump couldn't win on trade and cut deals that finally put America first. Well, bad news for them but great news for American workers... #USMCA is about to pass the House--and it's a major victory! Trump once again proved Dems wrong. Will they ever learn?"
12/19/2019 Tweet - "BREAKING: @realDonaldTrump's hard-negotiated trade deal PASSED THE HOUSE! Despite Pelosi's year of delays, Republicans never quit fighting to deliver #USMCA for American workers. 176,000 jobs $68 billion in economic growth Higher wages Puts American workers first"
12/10/2019 Tweet - "Republicans pushed for a deal on #USMCA for months while Pelosi wasted time on her impeachment sham. We finally have an agreement. Passing @realDonaldTrump's strong trade deal will be a major boost for our economy and a huge win for American workers. No more delays. Let's vote!"
11/30/2019 Tweet - ".@realDonaldTrump signed the #USMCA trade deal--a big win for American workers--365 DAYS ago. + More jobs + Higher wages + Puts American workers first Yet Nancy Pelosi is STILL blocking it from a vote because Dems would rather play politics. That's unacceptable. Pass #USMCANow."
10/02/2019 Tweet - "Democrats in Washington are so obsessed with their pointless impeachment scheme that they're prioritizing it over the ratification of #USMCA. Their delays are costing American workers and farmers new jobs, higher wages, and a stronger economy."
09/29/2019 Tweet - "Pelosi said there'd be reasons to impeach @realDonaldTrump BEFORE she had the facts. She was wrong. Here's the bottom line: No high crimes & misdemeanors. Time to MOVE ON! We should be focused on: - Passing #USMCA - Solving the border crisis - Lowering prescription drug prices"
06/20/2019 Tweet - "Enjoyed welcoming Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau to the Capitol today! The USMCA trade deal is a big win for both the United States and Canada. It's time for Congress to ratify it!"
06/18/2019 Tweet - "Even Obama's Agriculture Secretary is urging Democrats to quickly ratify #USMCA. This trade deal is critical for American workers & farmers. + Increase GDP by $68.2 billion + Create 176,000 jobs Time for Pelosi to bring it to the House Floor for a vote."
05/30/2019 Tweet - ".@VP Mike Pence's trip to Canada represents more promises kept by @realDonaldTrump's administration. The #USMCA trade agreement is a great deal for the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It's time for Congress to ratify it. Delays would cost American jobs and economic growth."
03/29/2019 Tweet - ".@realDonaldTrump's #USMCA will help American workers get ahead by creating new jobs, protecting our intellectual property, opening up new Canadian markets, and strengthening North American trade as we confront China. I'm proud to be working hard to get it ratified in Congress."
11/30/2018 Tweet - "President @realDonaldTrump is delivering on his promise to level the playing field. The #USMCA is a win for American farmers, ranchers, workers, and businesses. The deal will lead to more balanced, reciprocal trade that creates jobs and grows our economy."
10/01/2018 Tweet - "I applaud President @realDonaldTrump for this impressive new agreement with Canada. While many in Washington claimed it could not be done, @POTUS worked tirelessly to bring Canada to the table and negotiate a new trade deal that is better for American workers and consumers."
09/18/2018 Tweet - ".@realDonaldTrump is standing up for American workers. Mexico negotiated in good faith and in a timely manner. It's time for Canada to do the same. Congress intends to fully enforce the deadlines established in the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act."