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Steve Scalise's Public Statements on Issue: Reproduction

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Date Title
01/26/2021 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House; Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader; Hon. Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader; and Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader - Lucas Joins Colleagues to Oppose the Repeal of the Hyde Amendment
09/26/2020 Scalise Applauds Trump's Born-Alive Executive Order
09/04/2020 Letter to President Donald J. Trump - Wicker Leads 94 Pro-Life Legislators in Call to End Taxpayer-Funded Embryonic Stem Cell Research
08/25/2020 Fox News "The Ingraham Angle" - Transcript Interview with Steve Scalise
08/12/2020 Letter to the Hon. Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury - Davidson and Braun Spearhead Pro-Life Letter to Treasury
07/08/2020 Scalise Statement on SCOTUS Victory for Little Sisters of The Poor
06/29/2020 Scalise on Scotus' Failure to Protect Innocent Life
06/29/2020 Tweet - "Horrible SCOTUS decision; The Supreme Court just ruled that states can't even hold abortion clinics to similar health standards as other medical centers. Women and babies deserve emergency care--no matter the situation or what abortionists think. We won't quit fighting."
05/22/2020 Letter to the Hon. Jovita Carranza, Admin. of the Small Business Administration - Rubio Leads Colleagues in Requesting Full SBA Investigation Over Planned Parenthood Improperly Receiving PPP Loans
04/14/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Congressman Lamborn Leads Pro-Life Letter
03/05/2020 Tweet - "Proud to rally with fellow #ProLife Americans at the Supreme Court for Louisiana's life-saving law! We should all be able to agree ALL abortion providers should be required to have admitting privileges at local hospitals for when emergencies arise. #ProtectWomen #ProtectLife"
03/04/2020 Scalise Rallies for Louisiana's Pro-Life Law
02/28/2020 Abortion Extremists Once Again Vote Down Born-Alive Act
02/25/2020 Wagner, Scalise Blast Senate Democrats on Born-Alive Vote
02/25/2020 Scalise, Wagner Blast Senate Democrats on Born-Alive Vote
02/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Rep. Hice Spearheads Letter Thanking President for Pro-life, Pro-Family Policies
02/11/2020 Scalise Applauds Senate Hearing on Born-Alive Act
02/11/2020 Tweet - "Pelosi and her abortion-extremist colleagues are still blocking a vote on the #BornAlive Act. We're asking for something simple: That every baby gets the same level of lifesaving care. Thank you @SenSasse for holding a hearing on this critical legislation. It's time for action."
01/24/2020 Scalise Statement on Louisiana Becoming the Number One Pro-Life State in America
01/02/2020 Johnson Leads over 200 Members to File Amicus Brief Supporting Louisiana's Pro-Life Law
01/02/2020 Scalise Leads Over 200 Members to File Amicus Brief Supporting Louisiana's Pro-Life Law
10/01/2019 Letter to the Hon. William Barr, United States Attorney General - Banks Leads 67 House Republicans in Calling on DOJ to Assist Investigation Into Discovery of Fetal Remains
09/11/2019 Opening Statement of Rep. Steve Scalise, Hearing on "End Infanticide: Examining the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act."
09/10/2019 Tweet - "It's simple: every newborn deserves life-saving care, including abortion survivors. That's not revolutionary or controversial. Yet House Democrats are burying the #BornAlive Abortion Survivors Protection Act--blocking it 80 times from a vote. That's shameful. #EndInfanticide"
07/01/2019 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of the HHS - Senate, House Lawmaker Press HHS to End Hidden Abortion Surcharge

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