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Steve Scalise's Public Statements on Issue: Reproduction

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Date Title
02/06/2019 Scalise and Wagner Begin Discharge Process to Force Vote on Born Alive Survivors Protection Act
02/06/2019 Scalise on America's Newsroom: I Don't Know What World Democrats Are Living In
02/06/2019 Congress Should Reach for Greatness by Securing the Border and Protecting the Unborn
02/06/2019 Tweet - "The Democrats' silence is shameful. They must go on record against infanticide. Americans deserve to know where their reps stand on this issue. I started the process to force Pelosi to bring a bill to the Floor to protect babies born alive during abortion."
02/05/2019 Scalise Statement on State of the Union Address
01/24/2019 Tweet - "Today House Democrats for the third time voted AGAINST paying federal workers as negotiations continue. I asked the House Democrat Majority Leader a simple question: how can Democrats claim to support workers when they refuse to pay them and instead use them as political pawns?"
01/20/2019 The Times Picayune - Obstacles in the House Won't Stop Fight for Life
01/18/2019 Tweet - "#WhyWeMarch To say Planned Parenthood doesn't deserve to be subsidized by taxpayers. To say it's wrong that the US is 1 of only 7 nations--like North Korea--in the world that allow abortion on demand at any point in pregnancy. To say we are fighting for the unborn. #MarchForLife"
01/18/2019 Scalise Applauds President Trump's Pro-Life Commitment
01/18/2019 Tweet - "I'm proud to stand with #ProLife Americans today as they march for life!"
01/15/2019 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Lawmakers Urge the President to Veto Any Appropriations Bill that Weakens Current Pro-Life Protections
01/05/2019 Democrats Allow Funding for Abortions Abroad, Refuse to Fund Increased Border Security
01/04/2019 Tweet - "Think about this: Nancy Pelosi passed a bill yesterday that will allow taxpayer money to be given to foreign entities that fund abortions, but she won't give more taxpayer money to the Department of Homeland Security to effectively secure America's border. #priorities"
01/03/2019 Tweet - "House Democrats' Day 1 record: 1. Block vote to stay and work in DC until they open the government and fund our border security 2. Pass a sham bill to reopen the government that doesn't include a dime more in funding for the wall"
11/30/2018 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Lawmakers Advocate for Pro-Life Principles on Fetal Tissue
11/08/2018 Tweet - "Republicans are standing up for religious liberty across America."
06/26/2018 SCOTUS Ruling is Important Win for Religious Liberty
06/26/2018 Tweet - "We're guaranteed the freedom to live out our faith. I'm glad the Supreme Court upheld that freedom in today's important ruling. California's attack on pro-life pregnancy centers represents just the latest example of big-government liberalism's disdain for religious liberty."
05/21/2018 Scalise Applauds Trump for Restoring Reagan-Era Title X Regulations
04/30/2018 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Ferguson, 152 Colleagues Call for Updates to Family Planning Program
04/30/2018 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Cassidy, Colleagues Urge Trump Administration to Issue New Title X Regulations
01/19/2018 Tweet - "Today, the House passed a #prolife bill to protect the victims of failed abortion attempts. It's about protecting some of the most vulnerable among us. Thank you @MarshaBlackburn for your leadership on this bill."
01/19/2018 House Passes Pro-Life Legislation on Day of Annual March for Life
10/06/2017 Statement on HHS Conscience Protection Decision
05/03/2017 Scalise on Passage of Government Funding Bill: "A Win for Conservative Policies

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