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Steve Scalise's Public Statements on Issue: Constitution

Date Title
02/07/2022 Tweet - "Think about this: GoFundMe was fine distributing money to the violent rioters burning down cities in summer 2020. But not to the non-violent truckers protesting government tyranny. They don't even try to hide their hypocrisy anymore."
11/26/2020 Tweet - "(Special Characters) HUGE victory for religious freedom at the Supreme Court! Last night the Court struck down Cuomo's unconstitutional action to restrict religious gatherings in churches and synagogues. "Even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten.""
07/17/2020 Tweet - "John Lewis was a legend of the civil rights movement who never stopped fighting for equality and justice for all, even in his final days. America is a more perfect union because of the blood, sweat, and tears he sacrificed. I was proud to call him a friend."
06/03/2020 Tweet - "What happened to George Floyd was wrong. Justice must be served. Officers David Dorn and Dave Underwood--killed by rioters--deserve justice as well. We must come together and confront the issues in our communities. Killing police officers and burning cities isn't the answer."
01/16/2020 Tweet - "Religious freedom is a fundamental, uniquely American right established by our Founding Fathers in the First Amendment to the Constitution. I will never stop fighting to protect it. #ReligiousFreedomDay"
03/21/2019 Tweet - "Colleges have been hostile and in some cases outright dangerous for those expressing conservative views. I'm glad @realDonaldTrump is making it clear that this goes against our values of free and open expression of ideas and won't be tolerated."
01/21/2019 Tweet - "Today I'm reflecting on Dr. King's powerful message of peace and love that transformed our nation, and continues to inspire millions today. #MLKDay"
09/15/2018 Tweet - "One of our greatest rights as Americans is unparalleled freedom of speech and expression. However, no one should feel intimidated or in danger because of his or her political party affiliation. Unless more Democratic leaders speak out against this violence, it will only continue."
09/06/2018 Tweet - "Hatred and bigotry have no place in our society. This cowardly act of anti-Semitism is disgraceful, and I hope the criminal who perpetrated it is brought to justice. I am proud to stand with the good people of the Northshore Jewish Congregation."
07/12/2018 Tweet - "This has to stop. I'm glad my friend, @RepClayHiggins, was not harmed. We're lucky to live in a country where we can freely and openly debate ideas, and threatening someone with violence is never an acceptable means of disagreement."
06/29/2018 Tweet - "I will always stand up for religious liberty. As we celebrate #ReligiousFreedomWeek, it's important to recognize how fortunate we are as Americans to have the right to practice our faith freely and confidently."
05/03/2018 Tweet - "Thank you, @realDonaldTrump, for standing up for religious liberty. No American should suffer religious discrimination. That's why I introduced legislation to stop IRS bureaucrats from having the ability to stifle free speech under the Johnson Amendment. #NationalDayOfPrayer"