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Steve Scalise's Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal

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12/13/2022 Tweet - "Price of eggs up 49.1% from a year ago. Baby food up 10.9%. Electricity up 13.7%. Chicken up 12%. Potatoes up 16.2%. Milk up 14.7%. Gas up 10.1%. Real Average Hourly Earnings? DOWN 1.9%. Families are the ones paying the price for the Left's spending-fueled inflation crisis."
11/07/2022 Tweet - "Just 2 years of total Democrat control has gotten us: - Runaway inflation - High gas prices - Soaring food and home heating costs - Violent crime gripping our cities - Out-of-control illegal immigration - Embarrassing foreign policy debacles It doesn't have to be this way."
11/01/2022 Tweet - "Expensive gas. Expensive groceries. Expensive electric bills. High mortgage rates. Violent crime waves. Wide open southern border. Joe Biden's America. No wonder everyone is fed up."
09/13/2022 Tweet - "🚨 Inflation is UP 8.3% over last year. - Food at home +13.5% - Electricity +15.8% - Gas utilities +33% - Rent +6.7% - Transportation +11.3% So much for the Dems' "Inflation Reduction" Act."
08/24/2022 Tweet - "Let's be clear: This isn't imaginary money. Biden just shifted all that student loan debt onto other taxpayers who are already dealing with high inflation. Debt "forgiveness" is just another liberal scam for the elites paid for by working class Americans."
08/19/2022 Tweet - "Let's be clear: The national average price per gallon is $1.52 higher than when Trump left office. That's a 64% INCREASE in gas prices under Biden--not a "cut," as CNN wants you to think. No one is falling for the delusional propaganda the radical left is peddling."
07/19/2022 Tweet - "Yet another week in Washington where Dems refuse to do anything to address: - The soaring inflation - The high gas prices - The border crisis What are they doing this week? Trying to pass another huge spending bill that will drive inflation even higher. It's all intentional."
07/14/2022 Tweet - "Biden's 9.1% inflation means Americans are being forced to pay more for just about everything--from gas to groceries to utilities to used cars. It's an additional tax on hardworking families. Don't let Dems or the media spin it any other way."
07/13/2022 Tweet - "NEW INFLATION NUMBER: 9.1%--highest in 4 decades. Biden's soaring inflation has been crushing Americans for months, and it's only getting worse. What are Dems in Congress doing right now? Working on another massive tax and spend bill. This is intentional. #BidenPriceHike"
07/07/2022 Tweet - "Americans are getting crushed by high gas prices. And Joe Biden is sending our oil reserves to China. This is what America Last looks like."
07/05/2022 Tweet - "Americans are most worried about the soaring inflation and high gas prices crushing their families. What are Dems in Congress doing? Months of political theater hearings produced for TV. Out of touch."
06/30/2022 Tweet - "They told you inflation was transitory. They told you the Taliban wouldn't take over. They told you the surge at the border was seasonal. They told you the Hunter Biden laptop story was fake. They told you the Steele Dossier was legit. They've been dead wrong on everything."
06/28/2022 Tweet - "In America: - Record-high gas prices - Soaring inflation - Illegal immigration surge - Supply chain nightmares - Violent crime waves In the Dem-controlled Congress: - Made-for-TV political hearings - Nothing on inflation, gas prices, or crime Americans are right to be fed up."
04/28/2022 Tweet - "BREAKING → U.S. GDP DROPPED 1.4% last quarter--far worse than experts predicted. Add that on top of: - Record-high inflation - Record-high gas prices - Expensive groceries - Soaring utility bills This is what happens when you give Dems total control of government."
04/19/2022 Tweet - "Remember when "the experts" told us inflation would be temporary? Well the experts were wrong. Again. Americans are still struggling to afford gas, food, and utility bills thanks to Biden's policies. And he just keeps making it worse."
04/12/2022 Tweet - "BREAKING--Inflation hits 40-year high for 5th straight month. Today the White House & their allies in the media will try to blame it all on Putin. They hope you forget that prices have been rising faster than people's wages for a year thanks to Dems' insane spending/policies."
03/27/2022 Tweet - "Americans can't afford to fill up their car with gas. And the media is working hard to convince you it's because of the war in Ukraine. But no one is buying it. They know the truth: Prices were going up long before thanks to Biden's policies & assault on US energy production."
02/10/2022 Tweet - "BREAKING: The new inflation numbers are even worse than expected--7.5%, highest since 1982. Remember when the media and "the experts" claimed this was transitory and would go away? Just another thing they got dead wrong. And now Americans are once again paying the price."
01/24/2022 Tweet - "Labor Shortage: Dems paid people not to work Border Crisis: Dems halted the wall and incentivized illegal immigration Crime Wave: Dem city councils defunded police High Gas Prices: Dems destroyed our energy industry They created the crises. Don't let them spin it differently."
01/12/2022 Tweet - "Inflation at highest level in 40 YEARS. Gas up 49% Used Cars up 37% Gas Utilities up 24% Groceries up 6.5% Even MSNBC admits it's a huge problem: "You may be going home with a bigger paycheck but it's basically meaningless when your grocery bill & your gas bill are higher.""
12/31/2021 Tweet - "Just one year under Democrat control: - Inflation soaring - Worst border crisis in U.S. history - Crime out of control in cities - Supply chain broken - More COVID deaths than 2020 - High gas prices - Terrorists got an entire country RT if you're sick of it."
12/10/2021 Tweet - "NEW REPORT: Inflation at highest level in 39 years. Hardworking families are now being forced to pay more for just about everything. - Gasoline up 58.1% - Food up 6.1% - Used Cars up 31.4% - Gas Utilities up 25.1% - Electricity up 6.5% Merry Christmas from Joe Biden."
12/10/2021 Tweet - "Today Dems learned inflation hit a 39-year high thanks to their insane Washington spending."
12/08/2021 Tweet - "What Americans want: - Secure border - Low inflation - Functioning supply chain What Dems are doing: - Encouraging illegal immigration - Ramming through inflation-fueling bills - Mocking supply chain issues No wonder Dems' poll numbers are tanking."
11/30/2021 Tweet - "Dems told you their bill wouldn't add to the deficit. They told you it wouldn't fuel more inflation. They told you it costs $0. They told you it wouldn't hit the middle class with more taxes and give the rich a tax break. All lies--but the media will let them get away with it."

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