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Steve Scalise's Public Statements on Issue: K-12 Education

Date Title
11/16/2021 Tweet - "CONFIRMED BY WHISTLEBLOWER: The FBI used the counterterrorism division to investigate parents."
11/03/2021 Tweet - "Turns out parents want a say in their kids' education."
05/18/2021 Tweet - "(special character) (special character) BIDEN'S COLLUSION WITH TEACHERS UNIONS EXPOSED: A teachers union president admitted the Biden Administration asked for language for CDC school reopening guidance--it was then used nearly verbatim. So much for "follow the science." Biden follows the radical unions instead."
05/07/2021 Tweet - "Today's jobs report is terrible. But it's no surprise. Joe Biden is: -- Paying people not to work -- Siding with teachers unions refusing to reopen schools--so parents can't go back to work -- Sending weak, anti-science messages about returning to normal What did he expect?"
04/26/2021 Tweet - "- Open border - Police defunded - Gas prices skyrocketing - Tax hikes coming - Keystone XL canceled - American energy jobs killed - Stimulus checks for illegal immigrants and prisoners - Schools still shut down--despite CDC saying reopen This is America under Democrat control."
04/17/2021 Tweet - "(special character) WATCH Fauci and Biden's own CDC director admit to me that there is no medical reason for schools to remain shut down. So why isn't Biden following the science and standing up to the teachers unions still pushing school shutdowns?"
03/29/2021 Tweet - "Democrats will let migrant children be taught in person but not your children. Their double standards are outrageous."
03/24/2021 Tweet - "Pelosi in January: "It's always, for me, about the children." What does she say to the children suffering because Democrats are keeping their schools shut down? Or to the children suffering in Biden's border crisis? Democrats' hypocrisy isn't even surprising anymore."
03/23/2021 Tweet - "Unbelievable. A liberal teachers union is now telling the CDC that they don't believe their guidance--all so they can keep schools shut down even longer. And this is the so-called "party of science"?"
03/19/2021 Tweet - "Enough is enough. There's no excuse to continue to keep schools closed."
03/16/2021 Tweet - "(Special Character) BREAKING House Democrats just voted AGAINST requiring COVID tests for illegal immigrants crossing the southern border. But they still want your businesses locked down and your schools closed. Their double standards are disgraceful."
02/03/2021 Tweet - "(Special Characters) Biden's own CDC Director just said "vaccination of teachers is not a prerequisite for safe reopening of schools." That's it. Open schools now."
07/14/2020 Tweet - "We MUST safely re-open our schools this fall. Students need it to happen: their educational, developmental, and social needs depend on it. Working parents need it to happen. Getting kids back in the classroom is critical to getting America back on its feet."
01/22/2018 Tweet - "I support #SchoolChoice because where a child happens to live should not limit his or her access to a great education."