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Don Payne, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Constitution


Date Title
12/08/2022 Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. Helps Pass Federal Marriage Equality Bill
03/18/2022 Rep. Payne, Jr. Votes to Ban Discrimination Based on Hair Style or Texture
08/24/2021 Rep. Payne, Jr. Votes for John Lewis Act to Protect Voting Rights for all Americans
06/14/2021 Levin, Chu Reintroduce Legislation Giving Same-Sex Couples Fair Treatment Under Tax Law
05/12/2021 Rep. Payne, Jr. Introduces Bill to Reduce Gun Violence Nationwide
04/22/2021 Rep. Payne, Jr. Votes for D.C. Statehood
03/17/2021 Rep. Payne, Jr. Votes to Protect Women from Violence and Support the Equal Rights Amendmen
03/16/2021 Clarke Introduces Resolution to Address the Federal Government's Role in Redlining
03/12/2021 Rep. Payne, Jr. Condemns Increased Violence Against Asian Americans during Pandemic
03/03/2021 Rep. Payne, Jr. Votes to End Police Brutality
07/27/2020 Rep. Payne, Jr. Votes to Create Commission to Study Racial Inequality in America
06/09/2020 Rep. Payne, Jr. Co-Sponsors Justice in Policing Act
02/13/2020 Rep. Payne, Jr. Praises Elimination of Deadline for Passage of the ERA
03/28/2019 Rep. Payne, Jr. Votes To Pass Paycheck Fairness Act
06/20/2017 Sens. Murray, Cantwell Join 196 Members of Congress Asking the Court to Compel President Trump to Obey the Constitution
05/02/2017 Payne, Cicilline, Members of Congress Introduce LGBT Non-Discrimination Legislation
06/16/2016 Congressional Tri-Caucus Introduces 2016 Health Equity and Accountability Act
05/24/2016 Payne, Jr. Joins Newly Formed Congressional Voting Rights Caucus
05/24/2016 Payne, Jr. Joins Newly Formed Congressional Voting Rights Caucus
03/16/2015 New - N.J. Rep. Payne Pushes Voting Rights, Leads Black Caucus After-hours Speechmaking
07/02/2014 Payne Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Civil Rights Act
11/14/2013 Payne Presses Administrator Pistole on TSA SPOT Program that Has Led to Racial Profiling at Newark Liberty International Airport