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Adam Schiff's Public Statements on Issue: Elections


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (CA) - Jr

Date Title
09/21/2021 House Democrats Introduce the Protecting Our Democracy Act to Restore, Strengthen, and Protect Our Democracy
08/22/2020 Schiff Votes to Save the U.S. Postal Service and Right to Vote from Assaults by Trump Administration
07/25/2019 Speaker Pelosi Remarks at Media Availability with Chairmen Nadler, Schiff and Cummings Following Mueller Hearings
05/08/2019 Rep. Schiff Introduces Constitutional Amendment to Overturn Citizens United: Amendment Would Allow Reasonable Limits on Donations and Option for Public Financing for Candidates
09/28/2018 Schiff Statement on Vote to Send Russia Investigation Transcripts for Classification Review and Eventual Release
03/22/2018 Schiff Statement After Committee Republicans Voted to Release Partisan Report
03/19/2018 Schiff Invites Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower to Provide Testimony Before Intelligence Committee
02/28/2018 Schiff Statement on Outstanding Russia Investigation Subpoena Requests
07/20/2017 Rep. Schiff Introduces Constitutional Amendment to Overturn Citizens United
07/13/2017 House Intel Committee Passes FY18 Intelligence Authorization Bill
05/23/2017 Intel Ranking Member Schiff Statement on Testimony of Former CIA Director Brennan
03/01/2017 Intelligence Committee Chairman, Ranking Member Establish Parameters for Russia Investigation
02/14/2013 Rep. Schiff Reintroduces Constitutional Amendment Permitting Regulation of Campaign Spending
06/18/2012 Rep. Schiff Introduces Constitutional Amendment to Permit Content Neutral Regulation of Campaign Spending
07/23/2007 House Passes Schiff Measure to Prevent the Spouses of Elected Officials and Candidates from Collecting Campaign Checks
06/08/2007 Schiff Introduces Bipartisan Measure to Prevent the Spouses of Elected Officials and Candidates from Collecting Campaign Checks