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Adam Schiff's Public Statements on Issue: Defense


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (CA) - Jr

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Date Title
09/30/2021 Schiff Includes Provision in Intelligence Authorization Act Ordering Intelligence Report on Ongoing, Potential Threats to Armenia and Artsakh
03/16/2021 Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Introduce Resolution Urging Azerbaijan to Release All Prisoners of War and Captured Civilians
03/06/2021 Congressional Leaders Applaud Biden Administration's Commitment to Ending Endless Wars, Call for Congressional Action
06/23/2020 Schiff Introduces Bill to Prevent Misuse of Military in Domestic Law Enforcement
05/24/2018 Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) announced that the House of Representatives has passed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) instructing the Department of Defense to add the names of 74 sailors who lost their lives on the U.S.S. Frank E. Evans during the Vietnam War to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. Schiff sponsored with Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-ND). "The Lost 74 of the U.S.S. Frank E. Evans died serving our country during the Vietnam War, and their sacrifice should be recognized on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial alongside other fallen servicemembers," Rep. Schiff said. "The House has taken an important step towards righting this injustice." On June 3, 1969, the U.S.S. Frank E. Evans was struck by HMAS Melbourne, an Australian aircraft carrier in the South China Sea -- 74 American sailors lost their lives. The two vessels were participating in a joint Southeast Asia Treaty Organization exercise called "Sea Spirit" at the time of the collision. Despite operating in Vietnamese waters immediately before deployment to joint exercise Sea Spirit, and a scheduled return to activities supporting the war effort after the exercise, it was determined that since the incident took place outside the geographical limit for the combat zone the sailors who lost their lives were ineligible for inclusion on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. That conclusion did not acknowledge that at the time of the incident, the U.S.S. Evans was instrumental in advancing American military objectives in Vietnam and the crew had participated in conflict just days before the collision. Rep. Schiff has pursued including the 74 names on the Memorial for several years since meeting the family of a sailor who died on the ship. In addition to offering multiple amendments to past authorization bills, Rep. Schiff has discussed the issue with successive Defense Secretaries and Secretaries of the Navy, urging them to rectify this injustice.
08/29/2017 Feinstein, Schiff Praise Decision to Allow California National Guard Members to Keep Bonuses
06/07/2017 Rep. Schiff Introduces Authorization for Use of Military Force Against ISIS, al Qaeda and the Taliban -- "Congress Must Debate and Vote on Any New War"
11/30/2016 Feinstein, Boxer, Schiff Announce Protections for California National Guard Bonuses Included in NDAA
06/11/2015 House Narrowly Defeats Rep. Schiff Amendment Forcing Vote on ISIS War Authorization
04/30/2015 Reps. Schiff and Cole, Along With 28 Members, Send Bipartisan Letter Urging Debate and Vote on ISIS War
02/09/2015 Intelligence Committee Members Comment on Arrest of ISIL Supporters
01/28/2015 Rep. Adam Schiff Introducing Narrowly-Tailored Authorization for Use of Military Force Against ISIL
11/07/2014 Rep. Schiff Statement on Decision to Delay ISIS Authorization Vote Until 2015
05/22/2014 House Narrowly Defeats Rep. Schiff Amendment Sunsetting 9/11 Authorization for Use of Military Force
04/02/2014 Reps. Adam Schiff and Walter Jones Introduce Bipartisan Bill Requiring Annual Reporting on Drone Casualties
01/01/2014 Rep. Schiff Comments on the New York Times Report on Benghazi
11/21/2013 Rep. Adam Schiff Offers Amendments in Intelligence Committee Markup to Increase Transparency on U.S. Drone Use
09/25/2013 Letter to Secretary Beers, Dept of Homeland Security - Administration Must Act Now to Extend Humanitarian Parole for Syrian Refugees
06/10/2013 Rep. Adam Schiff To Introduce Legislation to Sunset Authorization for Use of Military Force
12/21/2012 Rep. Schiff Statement on State Department Report on Benghazi Terrorist Attack
04/24/2012 Rep. Schiff Prepares Amendment to Cyber Security Bill
02/23/2010 Schiff Visits Our Troops In Afghanistan And Confers With Intelligence Officials In Yemen And Pakistan
06/08/2008 House Approves Schiff's Legislation to "Fingerprint" Nuclear Material
05/29/2008 Schiff Spends Memorial Day Recess Visiting Troops in Afghanistan
05/22/2008 Schiff Amendments to Increase Nuclear Security Pass House

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