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Adam Schiff's Public Statements on Issue: Family


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (CA) - Jr

Date Title
10/20/2021 Congressman Schiff on Legislation to Hold "Troubled Teen" Industry Accountable
02/08/2021 Reps. Schiff, Bernice Johnson Introduce Bill to Support Children with Disabilities During COVID-19
03/23/2018 Bishop, Schiff Applaud Signing of Bipartisan Child Protection Improvements Act
02/27/2018 Bipartisan Schiff, Bilirakis "Heart Futures Reauthorization Act" Passes House
06/22/2017 Rep. Schiff Reintroduces Legislation to Reform Residential Treatment Programs Nationwide
05/23/2017 Bishop, Schiff's Bipartisan Child Protection Improvements Act Passes House
05/17/2017 Reps. Schiff and Marino Introduce Bipartisan Vaccines Save Lives Resolution
01/24/2017 Rep. Schiff Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Children From Predators by Requiring Criminal Background Checks
11/23/2015 Rep. Schiff Introduces Legislation to Protect Children From Predators by Requiring Criminal Background Checks
07/14/2015 Reps. Schiff and Ros Lehtinen Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Reform Residential Treatment and Youth Boot Camp Programs
02/13/2015 Over 90 Bipartisan Members of Congress Introduce "Vaccines Save Lives" House Resolution
06/26/2013 Rep. Schiff: Supreme Court Decisions a Huge Day for Cause of Equality
03/01/2013 212 Members of Congress File Historic Amicus Brief on DOMA Case before U.S. Supreme Court
09/07/2012 Pelosi, Nadler, 143 House Members File New Amicus Brief on Federal Case Against DOMA
07/10/2012 Pelosi, Nadler, 130 House Members File Amicus Brief on Federal Case Against DOMA
09/08/2011 Congress Addresses Brain Injury in Youth as Students Return to School
08/18/2011 Schiff Selects Sandra Carrasco & Tamara Brown as 2011 'Angels in Adoption,' Congratulates Unsung Hero, Social Worker William Wong
04/04/2011 Schiff, Rogers Introduce Legislation to Protect Children from Predators
04/24/2008 Rep. Schiff's Daughter Gets Down to Work on Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day