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Adam Schiff's Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (CA) - Jr

Date Title
10/21/2021 Congressman Schiff on Contempt Vote in the House
10/19/2021 Congressman Schiff on Criminal Contempt Charges
09/21/2021 House Democrats Introduce the Protecting Our Democracy Act to Restore, Strengthen, and Protect Our Democracy
10/05/2017 Sen. Markey Joins Blumenthal, Murphy & Schiff to Introduce Legislation to Give Gun Victims Their Day in Court and End Gun Industry's Liability Shield
01/27/2016 Schiff and Blumenthal Introduce Legislation to Give Gun Victims Their Day in Court and End Gun Industry's Liability Shield
06/24/2014 International Creativity and Theft Prevention Caucus Unveils "2014 International Piracy Watch List"
09/20/2013 Rep. Schiff Introduces Legislation to Reform FISA Court and Allow Independent, Public Interest Advocate
07/17/2013 Rep. Schiff To Introduce Legislation Requiring Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Judges to be Nominated by the President and Confirmed by the Senate
06/26/2013 Rep. Schiff: Supreme Court Decisions a Huge Day for Cause of Equality
02/14/2013 Rep. Schiff Reintroduces Constitutional Amendment Permitting Regulation of Campaign Spending
12/17/2010 Legislation Enhancing Patent Expertise in Federal Courts Headed to President's Desk
03/11/2010 House Impeaches U.S. District Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr.
07/20/2009 New Report Highlights Significant Contributions to the U.S. Economy by the Copyright Industries
02/08/2008 Schiff Questions Attorney General about Torture
07/25/2007 House Judiciary Committee Votes to Cite Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten in Contempt of Congress for Refusing to Appear before Committee
05/21/2007 Schiff, Davis Introduce Resolution Expressing No Confidence in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
05/10/2007 Schiff Calls on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to Resign