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Adam Schiff's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (CA) - Jr

Date Title
07/22/2020 Los Angeles Times - America's coronavirus crisis needs a 9/11 Commission
10/12/2018 The Washington Post - How a Democratic House Would Check This Erratic President
06/07/2018 Los Angeles Blade - From Pulse To Parkland, Continuing The Fight Against Gun Violence
05/04/2018 The New York TImes - Democrats: Don't Take the Bait on Impeachment
05/30/2015 Los Feliz Ledger - A New Tool to Help Provide Helicopter Noise Relief for Angelenos
04/23/2015 Crescenta Valley Weekly - Recognizing the Armenian Genocide One Hundred Years Later
04/22/2015 Los Angeles Daily News - Mr. President, Speak Truth to the Armenian Genocide
04/06/2015 Los Feliz Ledger - U.S. Needs to Catch Up on Earthquake Early Warning System
04/02/2014 The Washington Post - A New Proposal to Force Transparency on Drones
03/12/2014 The New York Times - Let the Military Run Drone Warfare
11/29/2013 Los Feliz Ledger - House Should Pass Employment Non-Discrimination Act
10/17/2013 Glendale News Press - Covered California is the Place to Start
10/03/2013 Los Feliz Ledger - Sequestration's All Too Real Effects
08/12/2013 National Law Journal - Let the Sun Shine on Surveillance Court Judges
07/29/2013 The Guardian - Republicans and Democrats Agree: Fisa Oversight of NSA Spying Doesn't Work
11/29/2012 Los Feliz Ledger - More Work Remains to Prepare for the Next "Big One"
11/28/2012 Roll Call - Losing Sight of the Enemy in Benghazi
09/21/2012 Burbank Leader - Disposing of a Threat to Democracy
09/13/2012 Pasadena Journal - New Voter Suppression Laws Threaten to Turn Back the Clock
10/22/2009 Op-Ed: Get Federal Funding For Transit On Track
07/27/2009 Glendale News-Press Op-Ed: Health Reform is Due
01/15/2009 Mercury News - Military Court-Martial Should Replace Failed Guantanamo Policy