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Barack Obama II's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

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Date Title
04/27/2016 The Hill - Fears Grow About Rising US Troop Levels in Middle East
09/11/2014 Sun Herald - The Use of Force in the Pursuit of Justice
01/14/2014 - New Spending Bill Would Restore Great Lakes Cleanup Money
09/03/2013 Delmarva Now - Harris, Cardin Leave Door Open on Syria
09/03/2013 The Baltimore Sun - Harris Says He's Leaning Against Vote on Syria
08/31/2013 The New York Times - Obama Seeks Approval by Congress for Strike in Syria
08/28/2013 The Times-Picayune - La. Congressional Members Ask President Obama to Consult Congress Before Attack on Syria
06/23/2010 American Forces Press Service - Obama Accepts McChrystal's Resignation, Nominates Petraeus
11/03/2008 USA Today - Don't Assume Race is Won, Obama Urges Faithful
07/23/2008 USA Today - Obama Talks Tough on Iran
05/14/2008 Southeast Missourian - Obama: Choice in November Will Be Clear
03/21/2008 The New York Times - Obama Links Effects of War Costs to Fragility in the Economy
02/19/2008 Tribune Chronicle - Obama Brings Message of Hope
02/16/2008 Green Bay Press Gazette - Obama at UWGB: Change Needed Now
12/31/2007 Des Moines Register - 'This is Our Time,' Obama Declares
12/04/2007 Boston Globe - Obama Says Democrats Need Decisive Win to Make Wide Changes
12/03/2007 Newsweek - Barack Strikes Back
11/28/2007 Foster's Daily Democrat - Obama Explains Stance on Health Care, Talks International Expertise
11/13/2007 The Union Leader - Obama Vows to End War, Step up Fighting Al-Qaeda
11/02/2007 The New York Times - Obama Envisions New Iran Approach
10/15/2007 AP - Obama Positions Himself as Candidate of Change at Madison Rally
10/13/2007 AP - Obama Knocks on Doors in Iowa
10/06/2007 The Ottawa Daily Times - Obama: Support Unions, End War in Iraq
10/05/2007 The Des Moines Register - Obama Says Soldiers Should Not Get Unexpected Tour Extensions
10/04/2007 ABC News - Obama Dropped Flag Pin in War Statement

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