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Barack Obama II's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

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Date Title
04/21/2015 Blog: A New Era of Cooperation in the Americas
11/16/2014 G20 Leaders' Communiqué
11/11/2014 U.S.-China Joint Announcement on Climate Change
03/24/2014 Joint Statement by President Obama and Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo of Belgium on the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit
09/01/2012 Remarks by the President at Campaign Event
08/30/2012 President Obama Signs Executive Order Promoting Industrial Energy Efficiency
06/11/2012 Obama Administration Releases Report on America's Agricultural Economy and Announces Commitment to Invest over $2 Billion in Rural Small Businesses
02/08/2012 Fact Sheet: Harnessing Innovation for Global Development
01/31/2012 On One-Year Anniversary of Startup America Initiative President Obama Sends Startup America Legislative Agenda to Congress
12/02/2011 We Can't Wait: President Obama Announces Nearly $4 Billion Investment in Energy Upgrades to Public and Private Buildings
08/31/2011 White House Announces Steps to Expedite High Impact Infrastructure Projects to Create Jobs
08/16/2011 President Obama Announces Major Initiative to Spur Biofuels Industry and Enhance America's Energy Security
08/12/2011 Investing in Technology, Creating Jobs
07/29/2011 President Obama Announces Historic 54.5 mpg Fuel Efficiency Standard
03/31/2011 Larson Welcomes President Obama's Support of NAT GAS Bill
07/20/2010 President Obama Expands Greenhouse Gas Reduction Target for Federal Operations
06/15/2010 President Obama Announces Bromwich to Fix Oil Industry Oversight
04/13/2010 Trilateral Announcement Between Mexico, the United States, and Canada on Nuclear Security
01/29/2010 President Obama Sets Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target for Federal Operations
01/28/2010 Remarks by the President and the Vice President at Town Hall Meeting in Tampa, Florida
12/08/2009 Remarks by the President on Job Creation and Economic Growth

Remarks by the President and Q&A at the Closing Session of the Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth
05/05/2009 President Obama Announces Steps to Support Sustainable Energy Options, Departments of Agriculture and Energy, Environmental Protection Agency to Lead Efforts
02/19/2009 President Obama and Prime Minister Harper Vow Joint Effort on North American Economic Recovery
01/26/2009 From Peril to Progress (Update 1: Full Remarks)

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