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Barack Obama II's Public Statements on Issue: Women

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Date Title
02/05/2016 Statement by the President on the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting
12/03/2015 Statement by the President on Women in the U.S. Military
09/27/2015 Statement by the President Commemorating the Twentieth Anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women
01/22/2015 Statement by the President on the 42nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
11/01/2014 Weekly Address: It's Time to Help Women and Working Families
10/10/2014 Statement by the President on Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi Winning the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize
04/12/2014 Weekly Address: Ensuring Equal Pay for Equal Work
04/09/2014 Statement by the President - Paycheck Fairness Act
04/08/2014 Remarks by the President on Equal Pay for Equal Work
03/22/2014 Weekly Address: Rewarding Women's Hard Work and Increasing the Minimum Wage
01/25/2014 Weekly Address: Taking Action to End Sexual Assault
01/22/2014 Remarks by the President and Vice President at an Event for the Council on Women and Girls
01/22/2014 Statement by the President on Roe v. Wade Anniversary
12/20/2013 Statement by the President on Eliminating Sexual Assault in the Armed Forces
05/25/2013 Weekly Address: Giving Thanks to Our Fallen Heroes This Memorial Day
03/08/2013 Statement by the President on International Women's Day
02/28/2013 Statement from the President on the House Passage of the Violence Against Women Act
02/12/2013 Statement from the President on the Senate Passage of the Violence Against Women Act
01/24/2013 Statement by the President on the Opening of Combat Units to Women
08/02/2012 Remarks by the President to BlogHer Conference -- via Conference Call
06/05/2012 Statement by the President on the Paycheck Fairness Act
06/04/2012 Remarks by the President on Equal Pay for Equal Work via Conference Call
04/17/2012 National Equal Pay Day
03/28/2012 Did You See: President Obama on the Importance of Title IX
03/08/2012 Statement by the President on International Women's Day

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