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Rodney Davis' Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch

Date Title
06/14/2021 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House - Congressman Keller urges Speaker Pelosi to fully reopen the House
02/11/2021 Letter to the Hon. Timothy Blodgett, Acting Sergeant of Arms House of Representatives - Steil, Ranking Member Davis, and Loudermilk Pressure Pelosi to Pay Fine for Breaking Her Own Security Rules
01/26/2021 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, the Hon. Chuck Schumer, Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate, the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, Republican Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader of the U.S. Senate - Davis Urges Congressional Leaders to Protect the Hyde Amendment, Oppose Expansion of Taxpayer-Funded Abortion
01/04/2021 Letter to The Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of The United States House of Representatives - Republican Leaders: Pelosi Ignored Covid Guidance to Secure Speakership
07/22/2020 Letter to Marisel Hernandez, Chair of the CIty of Chicago Board of Election Commissioners, Aaron Ammons, Clerk for Champaign County IL, Michael Bennett, Chair of the Board of Elections for the District of Columbia, Garrett Dietz, Supervisor of Elections for the Philadelphia County Board of Elections, Patricia Anne Taylor, President of the New York City Board of Elections, Tim Scott, Director of Elections for Multnomah County OR, Dean Logan, Registrar-Recorder /County Clerk for Los Angeles County CA, Chris Hollins Clerk for Harris County TX, Mary Carole Coony, Chairperson of the Registration and Elections Board of Fulton County GA, and Claire Woodall-Vogg, Executive Director of the Milwaukee Election Commisison - Ranking Member Davis Sends Ten Oversight Election Letters To Problematic Localities
05/14/2020 Letter to the Hon. Steny Hoyer, House Majority Leader - Republican Leader Foxx Joins Top Republicans in Slamming Democrats' Committee Power Grab
12/09/2019 Letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House - ICYMI: Ag Committee GOP Leader Conaway Leads 159 Republicans Urging Pelosi to Hold Vote on USMCA
12/02/2019 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House - Walker Joins House Administration in Telling House Democrats to Put Election Security Ahead of Politics
09/20/2019 Letter to the Hon. Jerold Nadler, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and the Hon. Zoe Lofgren, Chairperson of the House Administration Committee - Democrats Violate Committee Rules To Favor Political Consultants Over Members Of Congress
01/19/2018 Letter to the Hon. Devin Nunes, Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence - Push for Release of Intelligence Committee's FISA Memo
11/10/2016 Letter to the Hon. Harold Rogers - Prioritize Funding for National Institutes of Health
04/20/2016 Letter to Administratior McCarthy - Demand for Answers from EPA on Taxpayer Money Spent on Lobbying Efforts
02/13/2015 Letter to Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader - Debate Blocking