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Bob Latta's Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (OH) - District 5

Date Title
02/09/2022 Reschenthaler and Colleagues Condemn the Nomination of Sarah Bloom Raskin
12/08/2021 Latta Joins Colleagues to Introduce Bill Protecting Pipelines and America's Energy Security
11/22/2021 Latta Hosts Home Heating Roundtable in Perrysburg
01/28/2021 Latta Statement Opposing Biden Administration's Moratorium on Oil & Gas Leasing
01/20/2021 Latta Statement on Keystone XL Pipeline
09/26/2019 Latta Introduces Resolution to Uphold America's Energy Security
09/19/2018 Latta: US Energy Boom Another Promise Kept
11/06/2015 Latta on Rejection of Keystone XL Pipeline
06/04/2015 Congressman Latta Statement On EPA Draft Assessment On Hydraulic Fracturing And Potential Impact On Drinking Water Resources
03/20/2015 Latta Statement On Administration's Latest Attempt To Discourage American Energy Production
03/04/2014 EPA's Tier 3 Rule is Both Unnecessary and Costly
06/28/2013 House Passes Bill to Expand U.S. Offshore Energy Production
05/22/2013 Latta Votes in Favor of Keystone XL Pipeline Approval
03/29/2013 EPA Proposes Rule That Will Harm Consumers at the Pump
03/13/2012 The Truth About the President's Energy Strategy
01/25/2012 State of the Union Reaction Continues: Although the President Kept Mum on Keystone XL, Energy and Commerce Members Continue Holding Him Accountable for Failure to Say Yes to Jobs
01/18/2012 Latta Denounces President Obama's Decision on Keystone
11/14/2011 Let States Regulate Energy Development
06/23/2011 President Obama: No To Strategic Petroleum Reserve
06/16/2010 Latta Statement Regarding President's Address on the Gulf Oil Spill
05/12/2010 Latta Opening Statement On Gulf Coast Oil Spill Hearing