Constitutional Amendment to Dedicate Additional Revenues to State Transportation System

New Jersey Ballot Measure - Public Question 2

Election: Nov. 8, 2016 (General)

Outcome: Passed


Oil and Gas
Government Budget and Spending


This amendment would dedicate all of the revenue from the State tax on motor fuels to the Transportation Trust Fund. The current dedication is 10.5 cents per gallon on gasoline and diesel fuel. The amendment would include an additional three cents of the tax on diesel fuel that is not currently dedicated. The total revenue from the tax on motor fuels this fiscal year is estimated to be $541 million.

The amendment also dedicates all of the revenue from the tax on gross receipts of the sale of petroleum products to the Transportation Trust Fund. The current minimum dedication is $200 million per year. This fiscal year, the revenue from the tax on gross receipts of the sale of petroleum products is estimated to be $215 million.

The amendment does not change the current tax on motor fuels or petroleum products gross receipts.
The dedication to the Transportation Trust Fund ensures that the revenue is only used for transportation

Measure Text

Do you approve amending the Constitution to dedicate all revenue from the State motor fuels tax and
petroleum products gross receipts tax to the Transportation Trust Fund?

This amendment would provide that an additional three cents of the current motor fuels tax on diesel fuel, which is not dedicated for transportation purposes, be dedicated to the Transportation Trust Fund. In doing so, the entire State tax on diesel fuel would be used for transportation purposes. The entire State tax on gasoline is currently dedicated to the Transportation Trust Fund and used for transportation purposes.

The amendment would also provide that all of the revenue from the current State tax on petroleum products gross receipts be dedicated to the Transportation Trust Fund. In doing so, the entire State tax on
petroleum products gross receipts would be used for transportation purposes.

This amendment does not change the current tax on motor fuels or petroleum products gross receipts.


Official Summary
