Rating Group: National Rifle Association (NRA)

2004 Positions

Issues: Guns

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Judy Biggert 85%
Michael Bilirakis 85%
Rob Bishop 93%
Tim Bishop 8%
Roy Blunt 93%
Sherwood Boehlert 62%
John Boehner 93%
Kit Bond 93%
Henry Bonilla 93%
Jo Bonner, Jr. 93%
Mary Bono Mack 69%
Leonard Boswell 93%
Rick Boucher 100%
Barbara Boxer 8%
Allen Boyd, Jr. 93%
Kevin Brady 93%
Bob Brady 8%
Corrine Brown 8%
Henry Brown, Jr. 93%
Ginny Brown-Waite 93%
Sam Brownback 93%
Jim Bunning 100%
Richard Burr 93%
Dan Burton 93%
Steve Buyer 93%
Dave Camp 93%
Chris Cannon 100%
Eric Cantor 93%
Lois Capps 8%
Mike Capuano 8%
Dennis Cardoza 46%
Brad Carson 93%
Julia Carson 8%
Mike Castle 8%
Steve Chabot 93%
Ben Chandler III 93%
Chris Chocola 93%
Lacy Clay, Jr. 8%
Howard Coble 93%
John Conyers, Jr. 8%
Jim Cooper 69%
Jerry Costello 93%
Christopher Cox 93%
Robert Cramer 93%
Philip Crane 93%
Ander Crenshaw 93%
Joe Crowley 8%
Barbara Cubin 100%
John Culberson 93%
Elijah Cummings 8%
Randall Cunningham 100%
Thomas Daschle 8%
Artur Davis 69%
James Davis 8%
Jo Ann Davis 93%
Lincoln Davis 93%
Susan Davis 8%
Thomas Davis III 23%
Peter DeFazio 69%
Thomas DeLay 100%
James DeMint 93%
Nathan Deal 93%
Bill Delahunt 8%
Lincoln Diaz-Balart 77%
Norm Dicks 8%
John Dingell 100%
Chris Dodd 8%
John Doolittle 100%
Byron Dorgan 31%
Mike Doyle, Jr. 15%
David Dreier 93%
John Duncan, Jr. 93%
Chet Edwards 38%
Vern Ehlers 93%
Rahm Emanuel 8%
Jo Ann Emerson 93%
Eliot Engel 8%
Philip English 93%
Bob Etheridge 23%
Lane Evans 8%
Terry Everett 93%
Sam Farr 8%
Chaka Fattah, Sr. 8%
Tom Feeney 100%
Russ Feingold 23%
Michael Ferguson 23%
Bob Filner 8%
Jeff Flake 69%
Mark Foley 85%
Randy Forbes 93%
Harold Ford, Jr. 46%
Vito Fossella, Jr. 85%
Barney Frank 8%
Trent Franks 93%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 23%
Jonas Frost III 8%
Elton Gallegly 77%
Scott Garrett 93%
Jim Gerlach 93%
Jim Gibbons 93%
State Office Name Party Rating
Judy Biggert 85%
Michael Bilirakis 85%
Rob Bishop 93%
Tim Bishop 8%
Roy Blunt 93%
Sherwood Boehlert 62%
John Boehner 93%
Kit Bond 93%
Henry Bonilla 93%
Jo Bonner, Jr. 93%
Mary Bono Mack 69%
Leonard Boswell 93%
Rick Boucher 100%
Barbara Boxer 8%
Allen Boyd, Jr. 93%
Kevin Brady 93%
Bob Brady 8%
Corrine Brown 8%
Henry Brown, Jr. 93%
Ginny Brown-Waite 93%
Sam Brownback 93%
Jim Bunning 100%
Richard Burr 93%
Dan Burton 93%
Steve Buyer 93%
Dave Camp 93%
Chris Cannon 100%
Eric Cantor 93%
Lois Capps 8%
Mike Capuano 8%
Dennis Cardoza 46%
Brad Carson 93%
Julia Carson 8%
Mike Castle 8%
Steve Chabot 93%
Ben Chandler III 93%
Chris Chocola 93%
Lacy Clay, Jr. 8%
Howard Coble 93%
John Conyers, Jr. 8%
Jim Cooper 69%
Jerry Costello 93%
Christopher Cox 93%
Robert Cramer 93%
Philip Crane 93%
Ander Crenshaw 93%
Joe Crowley 8%
Barbara Cubin 100%
John Culberson 93%
Elijah Cummings 8%
Randall Cunningham 100%
Thomas Daschle 8%
Artur Davis 69%
James Davis 8%
Jo Ann Davis 93%
Lincoln Davis 93%
Susan Davis 8%
Thomas Davis III 23%
Peter DeFazio 69%
Thomas DeLay 100%
James DeMint 93%
Nathan Deal 93%
Bill Delahunt 8%
Lincoln Diaz-Balart 77%
Norm Dicks 8%
John Dingell 100%
Chris Dodd 8%
John Doolittle 100%
Byron Dorgan 31%
Mike Doyle, Jr. 15%
David Dreier 93%
John Duncan, Jr. 93%
Chet Edwards 38%
Vern Ehlers 93%
Rahm Emanuel 8%
Jo Ann Emerson 93%
Eliot Engel 8%
Philip English 93%
Bob Etheridge 23%
Lane Evans 8%
Terry Everett 93%
Sam Farr 8%
Chaka Fattah, Sr. 8%
Tom Feeney 100%
Russ Feingold 23%
Michael Ferguson 23%
Bob Filner 8%
Jeff Flake 69%
Mark Foley 85%
Randy Forbes 93%
Harold Ford, Jr. 46%
Vito Fossella, Jr. 85%
Barney Frank 8%
Trent Franks 93%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 23%
Jonas Frost III 8%
Elton Gallegly 77%
Scott Garrett 93%
Jim Gerlach 93%
Jim Gibbons 93%