Rating Group: Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

2017 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
MA U.S. Senate - Sr Elizabeth Warren Democratic 100%
FL U.S. House - 25 Debbie Wasserman Schultz Democratic 100%
CA U.S. House - 43 Maxine Waters Democratic 100%
NJ U.S. House - 12 Bonnie Watson Coleman Democratic 100%
VT U.S. Senate - Jr Peter Welch Democratic 100%
RI U.S. Senate - Jr Sheldon Whitehouse Democratic 100%
FL U.S. House - 24 Frederica Wilson Democratic 100%
OR U.S. Senate - Sr Ron Wyden Democratic 100%
John Yarmuth 100%
IN U.S. House - 7 André Carson Democratic 90%
Lacy Clay, Jr. 90%
Tulsi Gabbard 90%
AZ U.S. House - 3 Ruben Gallego Democratic 90%
Luis Gutiérrez 90%
Colleen Hanabusa 90%
Eddie Johnson 90%
NH U.S. House - 2 Annie Kuster Democratic 90%
WA U.S. House - 2 Rick Larsen Democratic 90%
Rick Nolan 90%
Tom O'Halleran 90%
AL U.S. House - 7 Terri Sewell Democratic 90%
TX U.S. House - 33 Marc Veasey Democratic 90%
CO U.S. Senate - Sr Michael Bennet Democratic 89%
Charlie Crist, Jr. 89%
Claire McCaskill 89%
PA U.S. House - 1 Brian Fitzpatrick Republican 80%
NJ U.S. House - 5 Joshua Gottheimer Democratic 80%
Gene Green 80%
Ron Kind 80%
Kurt Schrader 80%
Filemon Vela, Jr. 80%
ME U.S. Senate - Jr Angus King, Jr. Independent 78%
Joe Donnelly, Sr. 75%
TX U.S. House - 34 Vicente Gonzalez Democratic 70%
Frank LoBiondo 70%
AZ U.S. Senate - Sr Kyrsten Sinema Independent 70%
NJ U.S. House - 4 Chris Smith Republican 70%
Heidi Heitkamp 67%
GA U.S. House - 2 Sanford Bishop, Jr. Democratic 56%
CA U.S. House - 21 Jim Costa Democratic 56%
WV U.S. Senate - Sr Joe Manchin III Independent 56%
Justin Amash 50%
Leonard Lance 50%
Mark Sanford, Jr. 50%
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins Republican 44%
Dan Donovan, Jr. 40%
Walter Jones, Jr. 40%
Pete King 40%
KY U.S. House - 4 Thomas Massie Republican 40%
TX U.S. House - 28 Henry Cuellar Democratic 30%
Tom MacArthur 30%
Collin Peterson 30%
Dave Reichert 30%
John Faso 22%
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 22%
Ryan Costello 20%
John Duncan, Jr. 20%
Martha McSally 20%
NY U.S. House - 21 Elise Stefanik Republican 20%
NY U.S. House - 24 Claudia Tenney Republican 20%
Fred Upton 20%
Lee Zeldin 20%
Lamar Alexander 13%
Carlos Curbelo 13%
Robert Corker 11%
FL U.S. House - 1 Matt Gaetz Republican 11%
VA State House - 56 Tom Garrett, Jr. Republican 11%
KY U.S. Senate - Jr Rand Paul Republican 11%
Ken Buck 10%
KY U.S. House - 1 James Comer, Jr. Republican 10%
Jeff Denham 10%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 10%
Jaime Herrera Beutler 10%
CA U.S. House - 48 Darrell Issa Republican 10%
Lynn Jenkins 10%
John Katko 10%
Pat Meehan 10%
Bruce Poliquin 10%
Dana Rohrabacher 10%
Ed Royce 10%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 10%
Ted Yoho 10%
Ralph Abraham 0%
AL U.S. House - 4 Robert Aderholt Republican 0%
GA U.S. House - 12 Rick Allen Republican 0%
NV U.S. House - 2 Mark Amodei Republican 0%
TX U.S. House - 19 Jodey Arrington Republican 0%
TX U.S. House - 36 Brian Babin Republican 0%
NE U.S. House - 2 Donald Bacon Republican 0%
IN U.S. House - 3 Jim Banks Republican 0%
Lou Barletta 0%
KY U.S. House - 6 Andy Barr Republican 0%
WY U.S. Senate - Sr John Barrasso Republican 0%
Joe Barton 0%
MI U.S. House - 1 Jack Bergman Republican 0%
AZ U.S. House - 5 Andy Biggs Republican 0%
FL U.S. House - 12 Gus Bilirakis Republican 0%
Mike Bishop 0%
Rob Bishop 0%
Diane Black 0%
State Office Name Party Rating
MA U.S. Senate - Sr Elizabeth Warren D 100%
FL U.S. House - 25 Debbie Wasserman Schultz D 100%
CA U.S. House - 43 Maxine Waters D 100%
NJ U.S. House - 12 Bonnie Watson Coleman D 100%
VT U.S. Senate - Jr Peter Welch D 100%
RI U.S. Senate - Jr Sheldon Whitehouse D 100%
FL U.S. House - 24 Frederica Wilson D 100%
OR U.S. Senate - Sr Ron Wyden D 100%
John Yarmuth 100%
IN U.S. House - 7 André Carson D 90%
Lacy Clay, Jr. 90%
Tulsi Gabbard 90%
AZ U.S. House - 3 Ruben Gallego D 90%
Luis Gutiérrez 90%
Colleen Hanabusa 90%
Eddie Johnson 90%
NH U.S. House - 2 Annie Kuster D 90%
WA U.S. House - 2 Rick Larsen D 90%
Rick Nolan 90%
Tom O'Halleran 90%
AL U.S. House - 7 Terri Sewell D 90%
TX U.S. House - 33 Marc Veasey D 90%
CO U.S. Senate - Sr Michael Bennet D 89%
Charlie Crist, Jr. 89%
Claire McCaskill 89%
PA U.S. House - 1 Brian Fitzpatrick R 80%
NJ U.S. House - 5 Joshua Gottheimer D 80%
Gene Green 80%
Ron Kind 80%
Kurt Schrader 80%
Filemon Vela, Jr. 80%
ME U.S. Senate - Jr Angus King, Jr. I 78%
Joe Donnelly, Sr. 75%
TX U.S. House - 34 Vicente Gonzalez D 70%
Frank LoBiondo 70%
AZ U.S. Senate - Sr Kyrsten Sinema I 70%
NJ U.S. House - 4 Chris Smith R 70%
Heidi Heitkamp 67%
GA U.S. House - 2 Sanford Bishop, Jr. D 56%
CA U.S. House - 21 Jim Costa D 56%
WV U.S. Senate - Sr Joe Manchin III I 56%
Justin Amash 50%
Leonard Lance 50%
Mark Sanford, Jr. 50%
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins R 44%
Dan Donovan, Jr. 40%
Walter Jones, Jr. 40%
Pete King 40%
KY U.S. House - 4 Thomas Massie R 40%
TX U.S. House - 28 Henry Cuellar D 30%
Tom MacArthur 30%
Collin Peterson 30%
Dave Reichert 30%
John Faso 22%
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 22%
Ryan Costello 20%
John Duncan, Jr. 20%
Martha McSally 20%
NY U.S. House - 21 Elise Stefanik R 20%
NY U.S. House - 24 Claudia Tenney R 20%
Fred Upton 20%
Lee Zeldin 20%
Lamar Alexander 13%
Carlos Curbelo 13%
Robert Corker 11%
FL U.S. House - 1 Matt Gaetz R 11%
VA State House - 56 Tom Garrett, Jr. R 11%
KY U.S. Senate - Jr Rand Paul R 11%
Ken Buck 10%
KY U.S. House - 1 James Comer, Jr. R 10%
Jeff Denham 10%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 10%
Jaime Herrera Beutler 10%
CA U.S. House - 48 Darrell Issa R 10%
Lynn Jenkins 10%
John Katko 10%
Pat Meehan 10%
Bruce Poliquin 10%
Dana Rohrabacher 10%
Ed Royce 10%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 10%
Ted Yoho 10%
Ralph Abraham 0%
AL U.S. House - 4 Robert Aderholt R 0%
GA U.S. House - 12 Rick Allen R 0%
NV U.S. House - 2 Mark Amodei R 0%
TX U.S. House - 19 Jodey Arrington R 0%
TX U.S. House - 36 Brian Babin R 0%
NE U.S. House - 2 Donald Bacon R 0%
IN U.S. House - 3 Jim Banks R 0%
Lou Barletta 0%
KY U.S. House - 6 Andy Barr R 0%
WY U.S. Senate - Sr John Barrasso R 0%
Joe Barton 0%
MI U.S. House - 1 Jack Bergman R 0%
AZ U.S. House - 5 Andy Biggs R 0%
FL U.S. House - 12 Gus Bilirakis R 0%
Mike Bishop 0%
Rob Bishop 0%
Diane Black 0%