Rating Group: National Farmers Union

2001-2002 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Mark Foley 40%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 40%
Porter Goss 40%
James Greenwood 40%
Orrin Hatch 40%
Joel Hefley 40%
Rubén Hinojosa, Sr. 40%
David Lee Hobson 40%
Pete Hoekstra 40%
Duncan Hunter 40%
Jim Inhofe 40%
Johnny Isakson 40%
William Lewis Jenkins 40%
Pete King 40%
Ray LaHood 40%
KY U.S. Senate - Sr Mitch McConnell, Jr. Republican 40%
KS U.S. Senate - Sr Jerry Moran Republican 40%
Solomon Ortiz, Sr. 40%
Ron Paul 40%
Tom Petri 40%
Joe Pitts 40%
Adam Putnam 40%
James Ramstad 40%
Denny Rehberg 40%
Pat Roberts 40%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 40%
Christopher Shays 40%
John Shimkus 40%
Gordon Smith 40%
Nick Smith 40%
Cliff Stearns 40%
Charles Stenholm 40%
John Tanner 40%
Todd Tiahrt 40%
Pat Toomey 40%
Greg Walden 40%
Zach Wamp 40%
John Warner 40%
WA U.S. House - 9 Adam Smith Democratic 38%
Vito Fossella, Jr. 33%
Judd Gregg 33%
Deborah Pryce 33%
George Radanovich 33%
Spencer Bachus 30%
Richard Hugh Baker 30%
Joe Barton 30%
Judy Biggert 30%
Michael Bilirakis 30%
Steve Chabot 30%
Saxby Chambliss 30%
Michael Collins 30%
Christopher Cox 30%
Ander Crenshaw 30%
Randall Cunningham 30%
Thomas DeLay 30%
Nathan Deal 30%
Lincoln Diaz-Balart 30%
Calvin Dooley 30%
John Ensign 30%
Terry Everett 30%
Jeff Flake 30%
William Frist 30%
Elton Gallegly 30%
Paul Gillmor 30%
MO U.S. House - 6 Sam Graves Republican 30%
Mark Green 30%
Doc Hastings 30%
Robert Hayes 30%
Kenny Hulshof 30%
Henry Hyde 30%
Tim Johnson 30%
Richard Keller 30%
Mark Kennedy 30%
Ron Lewis 30%
John Linder 30%
Trent Lott, Sr. 30%
Ken Lucas 30%
Don Manzullo 30%
James McCrery III 30%
CO Commissioner - 2 Scott McInnis 30%
John Mica 30%
Gary Miller 30%
George Nethercutt, Jr. 30%
Don Nickles 30%
James Nussle 30%
Thomas William Osborne 30%
Doug Ose 30%
Rob Portman 30%
Thomas Reynolds 30%
Mike Rogers 30%
Dana Rohrabacher 30%
Ed Royce 30%
Paul Ryan 30%
Rick Santorum 30%
Jim Saxton 30%
John Shadegg 30%
ID U.S. House - 2 Mike Simpson Republican 30%
Lamar Smith 30%
John Sununu 30%
William Tauzin II 30%
State Office Name Party Rating
Mark Foley 40%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 40%
Porter Goss 40%
James Greenwood 40%
Orrin Hatch 40%
Joel Hefley 40%
Rubén Hinojosa, Sr. 40%
David Lee Hobson 40%
Pete Hoekstra 40%
Duncan Hunter 40%
Jim Inhofe 40%
Johnny Isakson 40%
William Lewis Jenkins 40%
Pete King 40%
Ray LaHood 40%
KY U.S. Senate - Sr Mitch McConnell, Jr. R 40%
KS U.S. Senate - Sr Jerry Moran R 40%
Solomon Ortiz, Sr. 40%
Ron Paul 40%
Tom Petri 40%
Joe Pitts 40%
Adam Putnam 40%
James Ramstad 40%
Denny Rehberg 40%
Pat Roberts 40%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 40%
Christopher Shays 40%
John Shimkus 40%
Gordon Smith 40%
Nick Smith 40%
Cliff Stearns 40%
Charles Stenholm 40%
John Tanner 40%
Todd Tiahrt 40%
Pat Toomey 40%
Greg Walden 40%
Zach Wamp 40%
John Warner 40%
WA U.S. House - 9 Adam Smith D 38%
Vito Fossella, Jr. 33%
Judd Gregg 33%
Deborah Pryce 33%
George Radanovich 33%
Spencer Bachus 30%
Richard Hugh Baker 30%
Joe Barton 30%
Judy Biggert 30%
Michael Bilirakis 30%
Steve Chabot 30%
Saxby Chambliss 30%
Michael Collins 30%
Christopher Cox 30%
Ander Crenshaw 30%
Randall Cunningham 30%
Thomas DeLay 30%
Nathan Deal 30%
Lincoln Diaz-Balart 30%
Calvin Dooley 30%
John Ensign 30%
Terry Everett 30%
Jeff Flake 30%
William Frist 30%
Elton Gallegly 30%
Paul Gillmor 30%
MO U.S. House - 6 Sam Graves R 30%
Mark Green 30%
Doc Hastings 30%
Robert Hayes 30%
Kenny Hulshof 30%
Henry Hyde 30%
Tim Johnson 30%
Richard Keller 30%
Mark Kennedy 30%
Ron Lewis 30%
John Linder 30%
Trent Lott, Sr. 30%
Ken Lucas 30%
Don Manzullo 30%
James McCrery III 30%
CO Commissioner - 2 Scott McInnis 30%
John Mica 30%
Gary Miller 30%
George Nethercutt, Jr. 30%
Don Nickles 30%
James Nussle 30%
Thomas William Osborne 30%
Doug Ose 30%
Rob Portman 30%
Thomas Reynolds 30%
Mike Rogers 30%
Dana Rohrabacher 30%
Ed Royce 30%
Paul Ryan 30%
Rick Santorum 30%
Jim Saxton 30%
John Shadegg 30%
ID U.S. House - 2 Mike Simpson R 30%
Lamar Smith 30%
John Sununu 30%
William Tauzin II 30%