Rating Group: Gun Owners of America (GOA)

2003-2004 Positions

Issues: Guns

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

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results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Roscoe Bartlett 100%
Joel Hefley 100%
John Hostettler 100%
Marilyn Musgrave 100%
Ron Paul 100%
AL U.S. House - 4 Robert Aderholt Republican 90%
Todd Akin 90%
J. Gresham Barrett 90%
Joe Barton 90%
Rob Bishop 90%
TN U.S. Senate - Sr Marsha Blackburn Republican 90%
AR U.S. Senate - Sr John Boozman Republican 90%
Dan Burton 90%
Chris Cannon 90%
TX U.S. House - 31 John Carter Republican 90%
Saxby Chambliss 90%
Chris Chocola 90%
Howard Coble 90%
Barbara Cubin 90%
John Culberson 90%
Thomas DeLay 90%
James DeMint 90%
John Doolittle 90%
John Duncan, Jr. 90%
Mike Enzi 90%
Terry Everett 90%
Tom Feeney 90%
Jeff Flake 90%
Trent Franks 90%
Scott Garrett 90%
Virgil Goode, Jr. 90%
Ralph Hall 90%
Jim Inhofe 90%
Ernest Istook, Jr. 90%
Walter Jones, Jr. 90%
Richard Keller 90%
Steve King 90%
Jack Kingston 90%
John Kline 90%
Ron Lewis 90%
OK U.S. House - 3 Frank Lucas Republican 90%
Don Manzullo 90%
Thaddeus McCotter 90%
Candice Miller 90%
Jeff Miller 90%
Robert William Ney 90%
Charles Norwood, Jr. 90%
Butch Otter 90%
Mike Pence 90%
Collin Peterson 90%
Richard Pombo 90%
Jon Porter, Sr. 90%
Richard Renzi 90%
AL U.S. House - 3 Mike Rogers Republican 90%
Dana Rohrabacher 90%
Jim Ryun 90%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 90%
TX U.S. House - 17 Pete Sessions Republican 90%
John Shadegg 90%
Bill Shuster 90%
John Sullivan 90%
Charles Taylor 90%
Todd Tiahrt 90%
Pat Tiberi 90%
SC U.S. House - 2 Joe Wilson, Sr. Republican 90%
Spencer Bachus 80%
Richard Hugh Baker 80%
Roy Blunt 80%
Henry Bonilla 80%
Henry Brown, Jr. 80%
Steve Buyer 80%
CA U.S. House - 41 Ken Calvert Republican 80%
Steve Chabot 80%
Ander Crenshaw 80%
Randall Cunningham 80%
Jo Ann Davis 80%
Nathan Deal 80%
Jo Ann Emerson 80%
Randy Forbes 80%
Bob Goodlatte 80%
TX U.S. House - 12 Kay Granger Republican 80%
MO U.S. House - 6 Sam Graves Republican 80%
Doc Hastings 80%
Robert Hayes 80%
J.D. Hayworth, Jr. 80%
Jeb Hensarling 80%
Wally Herger, Jr. 80%
Kenny Hulshof 80%
Duncan Hunter 80%
CA U.S. House - 48 Darrell Issa Republican 80%
William Lewis Jenkins 80%
Sam Johnson 80%
Mark Kennedy 80%
Joseph Knollenberg 80%
Jerry Lewis 80%
Buck McKeon 80%
Gary Miller 80%
Alan Mollohan 80%
Steve Pearce 80%
John Peterson 80%
State Office Name Party Rating
Roscoe Bartlett 100%
Joel Hefley 100%
John Hostettler 100%
Marilyn Musgrave 100%
Ron Paul 100%
AL U.S. House - 4 Robert Aderholt R 90%
Todd Akin 90%
J. Gresham Barrett 90%
Joe Barton 90%
Rob Bishop 90%
TN U.S. Senate - Sr Marsha Blackburn R 90%
AR U.S. Senate - Sr John Boozman R 90%
Dan Burton 90%
Chris Cannon 90%
TX U.S. House - 31 John Carter R 90%
Saxby Chambliss 90%
Chris Chocola 90%
Howard Coble 90%
Barbara Cubin 90%
John Culberson 90%
Thomas DeLay 90%
James DeMint 90%
John Doolittle 90%
John Duncan, Jr. 90%
Mike Enzi 90%
Terry Everett 90%
Tom Feeney 90%
Jeff Flake 90%
Trent Franks 90%
Scott Garrett 90%
Virgil Goode, Jr. 90%
Ralph Hall 90%
Jim Inhofe 90%
Ernest Istook, Jr. 90%
Walter Jones, Jr. 90%
Richard Keller 90%
Steve King 90%
Jack Kingston 90%
John Kline 90%
Ron Lewis 90%
OK U.S. House - 3 Frank Lucas R 90%
Don Manzullo 90%
Thaddeus McCotter 90%
Candice Miller 90%
Jeff Miller 90%
Robert William Ney 90%
Charles Norwood, Jr. 90%
Butch Otter 90%
Mike Pence 90%
Collin Peterson 90%
Richard Pombo 90%
Jon Porter, Sr. 90%
Richard Renzi 90%
AL U.S. House - 3 Mike Rogers R 90%
Dana Rohrabacher 90%
Jim Ryun 90%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 90%
TX U.S. House - 17 Pete Sessions R 90%
John Shadegg 90%
Bill Shuster 90%
John Sullivan 90%
Charles Taylor 90%
Todd Tiahrt 90%
Pat Tiberi 90%
SC U.S. House - 2 Joe Wilson, Sr. R 90%
Spencer Bachus 80%
Richard Hugh Baker 80%
Roy Blunt 80%
Henry Bonilla 80%
Henry Brown, Jr. 80%
Steve Buyer 80%
CA U.S. House - 41 Ken Calvert R 80%
Steve Chabot 80%
Ander Crenshaw 80%
Randall Cunningham 80%
Jo Ann Davis 80%
Nathan Deal 80%
Jo Ann Emerson 80%
Randy Forbes 80%
Bob Goodlatte 80%
TX U.S. House - 12 Kay Granger R 80%
MO U.S. House - 6 Sam Graves R 80%
Doc Hastings 80%
Robert Hayes 80%
J.D. Hayworth, Jr. 80%
Jeb Hensarling 80%
Wally Herger, Jr. 80%
Kenny Hulshof 80%
Duncan Hunter 80%
CA U.S. House - 48 Darrell Issa R 80%
William Lewis Jenkins 80%
Sam Johnson 80%
Mark Kennedy 80%
Joseph Knollenberg 80%
Jerry Lewis 80%
Buck McKeon 80%
Gary Miller 80%
Alan Mollohan 80%
Steve Pearce 80%
John Peterson 80%
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