Rating Group: Federally Employed Women

2014 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Charlie Dent 40%
Ted Deutch 70%
John Dingell 70%
Joe Donnelly, Sr. 40%
Mike Doyle, Jr. 60%
Sean Duffy 20%
John Duncan, Jr. 0%
Donna Edwards 80%
Renee Ellmers 20%
Eliot Engel 60%
Bill Enyart 50%
Mike Enzi 0%
Elizabeth Esty 60%
Blake Farenthold 20%
Sam Farr 70%
Chaka Fattah, Sr. 60%
Dianne Feinstein 60%
Stephen Fincher 10%
Mike Fitzpatrick 30%
Jeff Flake 20%
Bill Flores 20%
Randy Forbes 30%
Jeff Fortenberry 30%
Al Franken 90%
Trent Franks 0%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 40%
Tulsi Gabbard 50%
Pete Gallego 50%
Joe Garcia 40%
Cory Gardner 20%
Scott Garrett 0%
Jim Gerlach 30%
Bob Gibbs 20%
Chris Gibson 40%
Phil Gingrey 20%
Louie Gohmert 10%
Bob Goodlatte 20%
Trey Gowdy III 10%
Tom Graves, Jr. 20%
Alan Grayson 70%
Gene Green 60%
Michael Grimm 30%
Luis Gutiérrez 60%
Kay Hagan 60%
Ralph Hall 10%
Colleen Hanabusa 50%
Richard Hanna 30%
Tom Harkin 80%
Gregg Harper 20%
Vicky Hartzler 10%
Alcee Hastings, Sr. 60%
Doc Hastings 30%
Orrin Hatch 20%
Joe Heck, Jr. 30%
Heidi Heitkamp 50%
Dean Heller 0%
Jeb Hensarling 10%
Jaime Herrera Beutler 30%
Brian Higgins 80%
Rubén Hinojosa, Sr. 50%
George Holding 20%
Rush Holt, Jr. 60%
Mike Honda 70%
Tim Huelskamp 0%
Randy Hultgren 20%
Duncan Hunter 20%
Robert Hurt 20%
Jim Inhofe 10%
Johnny Isakson 20%
Steve Israel 70%
Lynn Jenkins 20%
Mike Johanns 20%
Eddie Johnson 60%
Sam Johnson 30%
Timothy Johnson 50%
Bill Johnson 30%
David Jolly 30%
Walter Jones, Jr. 20%
Joe Kennedy III 60%
Ron Kind 60%
Pete King 30%
Steve King 20%
Jack Kingston 20%
Adam Kinzinger 30%
Mark Kirk 40%
Ann Kirkpatrick 60%
John Kline 30%
Leonard Lance 30%
Mary Landrieu 60%
Jim Langevin 80%
Tom Latham 30%
Patrick Leahy 50%
Carl Levin 70%
Sandy Levin 70%
John Lewis 30%
Dan Lipinski 40%
Frank LoBiondo 50%
Dave Loebsack 60%
Billy Long 10%
Alan Lowenthal 60%
State Office Name Party Rating
Charlie Dent 40%
Ted Deutch 70%
John Dingell 70%
Joe Donnelly, Sr. 40%
Mike Doyle, Jr. 60%
Sean Duffy 20%
John Duncan, Jr. 0%
Donna Edwards 80%
Renee Ellmers 20%
Eliot Engel 60%
Bill Enyart 50%
Mike Enzi 0%
Elizabeth Esty 60%
Blake Farenthold 20%
Sam Farr 70%
Chaka Fattah, Sr. 60%
Dianne Feinstein 60%
Stephen Fincher 10%
Mike Fitzpatrick 30%
Jeff Flake 20%
Bill Flores 20%
Randy Forbes 30%
Jeff Fortenberry 30%
Al Franken 90%
Trent Franks 0%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 40%
Tulsi Gabbard 50%
Pete Gallego 50%
Joe Garcia 40%
Cory Gardner 20%
Scott Garrett 0%
Jim Gerlach 30%
Bob Gibbs 20%
Chris Gibson 40%
Phil Gingrey 20%
Louie Gohmert 10%
Bob Goodlatte 20%
Trey Gowdy III 10%
Tom Graves, Jr. 20%
Alan Grayson 70%
Gene Green 60%
Michael Grimm 30%
Luis Gutiérrez 60%
Kay Hagan 60%
Ralph Hall 10%
Colleen Hanabusa 50%
Richard Hanna 30%
Tom Harkin 80%
Gregg Harper 20%
Vicky Hartzler 10%
Alcee Hastings, Sr. 60%
Doc Hastings 30%
Orrin Hatch 20%
Joe Heck, Jr. 30%
Heidi Heitkamp 50%
Dean Heller 0%
Jeb Hensarling 10%
Jaime Herrera Beutler 30%
Brian Higgins 80%
Rubén Hinojosa, Sr. 50%
George Holding 20%
Rush Holt, Jr. 60%
Mike Honda 70%
Tim Huelskamp 0%
Randy Hultgren 20%
Duncan Hunter 20%
Robert Hurt 20%
Jim Inhofe 10%
Johnny Isakson 20%
Steve Israel 70%
Lynn Jenkins 20%
Mike Johanns 20%
Eddie Johnson 60%
Sam Johnson 30%
Timothy Johnson 50%
Bill Johnson 30%
David Jolly 30%
Walter Jones, Jr. 20%
Joe Kennedy III 60%
Ron Kind 60%
Pete King 30%
Steve King 20%
Jack Kingston 20%
Adam Kinzinger 30%
Mark Kirk 40%
Ann Kirkpatrick 60%
John Kline 30%
Leonard Lance 30%
Mary Landrieu 60%
Jim Langevin 80%
Tom Latham 30%
Patrick Leahy 50%
Carl Levin 70%
Sandy Levin 70%
John Lewis 30%
Dan Lipinski 40%
Frank LoBiondo 50%
Dave Loebsack 60%
Billy Long 10%
Alan Lowenthal 60%