Rating Group: Federally Employed Women

2014 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
John McCain III 20%
TX U.S. House - 10 Michael McCaul Republican 20%
KY U.S. Senate - Sr Mitch McConnell, Jr. Republican 20%
NC U.S. House - 10 Patrick McHenry Republican 20%
Buck McKeon 20%
Luke Messer 20%
Candice Miller 20%
Jeff Miller 20%
OK U.S. Senate - Jr Markwayne Mullin Republican 20%
Rich Nugent 20%
Beto O'Rourke 20%
Tom Petri 20%
Robert Pittenger 20%
Rob Portman 20%
FL U.S. House - 8 Bill Posey Republican 20%
Tom Price 20%
Tom Rice 20%
Scott Rigell 20%
WA U.S. House - 5 Cathy Rodgers Republican 20%
Phil Roe 20%
AL U.S. House - 3 Mike Rogers Republican 20%
IN Attorney General Todd Rokita Republican 20%
Dennis Ross 20%
Keith Rothfus 20%
Ed Royce 20%
FL U.S. Senate - Sr Marco Rubio Republican 20%
Jon Runyan 20%
LA U.S. House - 1 Steve Scalise Republican 20%
Aaron Schock 20%
TX U.S. House - 17 Pete Sessions Republican 20%
Richard Shelby 20%
John Shimkus 20%
Bill Shuster 20%
NE U.S. House - 3 Adrian Smith Republican 20%
MO U.S. House - 8 Jason Smith Republican 20%
Lamar Smith 20%
Chris Stewart 20%
Mac Thornberry 20%
SD U.S. Senate - Sr John Thune Republican 20%
Scott Tipton 20%
OH U.S. House - 10 Mike Turner Republican 20%
David Vitter 20%
OH U.S. House - 2 Brad Wenstrup Republican 20%
SC U.S. House - 2 Joe Wilson, Sr. Republican 20%
VA U.S. House - 1 Rob Wittman Republican 20%
Rob Woodall 20%
Kevin Yoder 20%
Donald Young 20%
Lamar Alexander 10%
Joe Barton 10%
Kerry Bentivolio 10%
TN U.S. Senate - Sr Marsha Blackburn Republican 10%
Paul Broun 10%
Richard Burr 10%
John Campbell III 10%
Steve Chabot 10%
Howard Coble 10%
Robert Corker 10%
FL Governor Ron DeSantis Republican 10%
TN U.S. House - 4 Scott DesJarlais Republican 10%
Stephen Fincher 10%
NE U.S. Senate - Sr Deb Fischer Republican 10%
LA Treasurer John Fleming, Jr. Republican 10%
Louie Gohmert 10%
AZ U.S. House - 9 Paul Gosar Republican 10%
Trey Gowdy III 10%
IA U.S. Senate - Sr Chuck Grassley Republican 10%
Ralph Hall 10%
Vicky Hartzler 10%
Jeb Hensarling 10%
Jim Inhofe 10%
OH U.S. House - 4 Jim Jordan Republican 10%
ID Attorney General Raúl Labrador Republican 10%
CO U.S. House - 5 Doug Lamborn Republican 10%
OK U.S. Senate - Sr James Lankford Republican 10%
Billy Long 10%
KY U.S. House - 4 Thomas Massie Republican 10%
John Mica 10%
Gary Miller 10%
Pete Olson 10%
Steven Palazzo 10%
PA U.S. House - 10 Scott Perry Republican 10%
Ted Poe 10%
Mike Pompeo 10%
Reid Ribble 10%
Dana Rohrabacher 10%
Tom Rooney 10%
Matt Salmon 10%
Mark Sanford, Jr. 10%
AZ U.S. House - 1 David Schweikert Republican 10%
GA U.S. House - 8 Austin Scott Republican 10%
SC U.S. Senate - Jr Tim Scott Republican 10%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 10%
Marlin Stutzman 10%
Pat Toomey 10%
Lynn Westmoreland 10%
Mick Mulvaney 1%
Justin Amash 0%
Michele Bachmann 0%
WY U.S. Senate - Sr John Barrasso Republican 0%
State Office Name Party Rating
John McCain III 20%
TX U.S. House - 10 Michael McCaul R 20%
KY U.S. Senate - Sr Mitch McConnell, Jr. R 20%
NC U.S. House - 10 Patrick McHenry R 20%
Buck McKeon 20%
Luke Messer 20%
Candice Miller 20%
Jeff Miller 20%
OK U.S. Senate - Jr Markwayne Mullin R 20%
Rich Nugent 20%
Beto O'Rourke 20%
Tom Petri 20%
Robert Pittenger 20%
Rob Portman 20%
FL U.S. House - 8 Bill Posey R 20%
Tom Price 20%
Tom Rice 20%
Scott Rigell 20%
WA U.S. House - 5 Cathy Rodgers R 20%
Phil Roe 20%
AL U.S. House - 3 Mike Rogers R 20%
IN Attorney General Todd Rokita R 20%
Dennis Ross 20%
Keith Rothfus 20%
Ed Royce 20%
FL U.S. Senate - Sr Marco Rubio R 20%
Jon Runyan 20%
LA U.S. House - 1 Steve Scalise R 20%
Aaron Schock 20%
TX U.S. House - 17 Pete Sessions R 20%
Richard Shelby 20%
John Shimkus 20%
Bill Shuster 20%
NE U.S. House - 3 Adrian Smith R 20%
MO U.S. House - 8 Jason Smith R 20%
Lamar Smith 20%
Chris Stewart 20%
Mac Thornberry 20%
SD U.S. Senate - Sr John Thune R 20%
Scott Tipton 20%
OH U.S. House - 10 Mike Turner R 20%
David Vitter 20%
OH U.S. House - 2 Brad Wenstrup R 20%
SC U.S. House - 2 Joe Wilson, Sr. R 20%
VA U.S. House - 1 Rob Wittman R 20%
Rob Woodall 20%
Kevin Yoder 20%
Donald Young 20%
Lamar Alexander 10%
Joe Barton 10%
Kerry Bentivolio 10%
TN U.S. Senate - Sr Marsha Blackburn R 10%
Paul Broun 10%
Richard Burr 10%
John Campbell III 10%
Steve Chabot 10%
Howard Coble 10%
Robert Corker 10%
FL Governor Ron DeSantis R 10%
TN U.S. House - 4 Scott DesJarlais R 10%
Stephen Fincher 10%
NE U.S. Senate - Sr Deb Fischer R 10%
LA Treasurer John Fleming, Jr. R 10%
Louie Gohmert 10%
AZ U.S. House - 9 Paul Gosar R 10%
Trey Gowdy III 10%
IA U.S. Senate - Sr Chuck Grassley R 10%
Ralph Hall 10%
Vicky Hartzler 10%
Jeb Hensarling 10%
Jim Inhofe 10%
OH U.S. House - 4 Jim Jordan R 10%
ID Attorney General Raúl Labrador R 10%
CO U.S. House - 5 Doug Lamborn R 10%
OK U.S. Senate - Sr James Lankford R 10%
Billy Long 10%
KY U.S. House - 4 Thomas Massie R 10%
John Mica 10%
Gary Miller 10%
Pete Olson 10%
Steven Palazzo 10%
PA U.S. House - 10 Scott Perry R 10%
Ted Poe 10%
Mike Pompeo 10%
Reid Ribble 10%
Dana Rohrabacher 10%
Tom Rooney 10%
Matt Salmon 10%
Mark Sanford, Jr. 10%
AZ U.S. House - 1 David Schweikert R 10%
GA U.S. House - 8 Austin Scott R 10%
SC U.S. Senate - Jr Tim Scott R 10%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 10%
Marlin Stutzman 10%
Pat Toomey 10%
Lynn Westmoreland 10%
Mick Mulvaney 1%
Justin Amash 0%
Michele Bachmann 0%
WY U.S. Senate - Sr John Barrasso R 0%