Rating Group: American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

2005-2006 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
KY U.S. Senate - Sr Mitch McConnell, Jr. Republican 25%
AK U.S. Senate - Sr Lisa Murkowski Republican 25%
John Warner 25%
E. Clay Shaw, Jr. 24%
Donald Sherwood 24%
William Thomas 24%
Heather Wilson 24%
NH State Senate - 3 Jeb Bradley Republican 23%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 23%
Frank LoBiondo 23%
Connie Mack IV 23%
Don Manzullo 23%
Jon Porter, Sr. 23%
Deborah Pryce 23%
Dave Reichert 23%
Jim Saxton 23%
Robert William Ney 22%
Bob Beauprez 20%
James Walsh 20%
Thomas Davis III 19%
Jo Ann Emerson 19%
Scott Garrett 19%
Mark Green 19%
Ray LaHood 19%
Todd Platts 19%
W. Curtis Weldon 19%
Lamar Alexander 18%
John Boehner 18%
AR U.S. Senate - Sr John Boozman Republican 18%
WV U.S. Senate - Jr Shelley Capito Republican 18%
Chris Chocola 18%
Barbara Cubin 18%
David Dreier 18%
John Duncan, Jr. 18%
Philip English 18%
Michael Ferguson 18%
David Lee Hobson 18%
John Hostettler 18%
Mark Kennedy 18%
Joseph Knollenberg 18%
Thaddeus McCotter 18%
John McHugh 18%
Candice Miller 18%
Tim Murphy 18%
Thomas William Osborne 18%
Steve Pearce 18%
Denny Rehberg 18%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 18%
John Shadegg 18%
Pat Tiberi 18%
George Allen 17%
Kit Bond 17%
Jim Bunning 17%
Conrad Burns 17%
Richard Burr 17%
Saxby Chambliss 17%
Norm Coleman 17%
James DeMint 17%
Elizabeth Dole 17%
Pete Domenici, Jr. 17%
John Ensign 17%
Orrin Hatch 17%
Kay Hutchison 17%
Johnny Isakson 17%
Jon Kyl 17%
Trent Lott, Sr. 17%
Ben Nelson 17%
WA U.S. House - 5 Cathy Rodgers Republican 17%
Rick Santorum 17%
Richard Shelby 17%
Ted Stevens 17%
James Talent 17%
Craig Thomas 17%
SD U.S. Senate - Sr John Thune Republican 17%
David Vitter 17%
George Voinovich 17%
Dave Camp 15%
Chris Cannon 15%
Katherine Harris 15%
Thomas Reynolds 15%
Spencer Bachus 14%
Rob Bishop 14%
Charles Boustany, Jr. 14%
TX U.S. House - 26 Michael Burgess Republican 14%
Steve Chabot 14%
Geoff Davis 14%
Randy Forbes 14%
Vito Fossella, Jr. 14%
Jim Gibbons 14%
Paul Gillmor 14%
Gilbert Gutknecht 14%
Kenny Hulshof 14%
CA U.S. House - 48 Darrell Issa Republican 14%
John Kuhl, Jr. 14%
Tom Latham 14%
Jerry Lewis 14%
Dan Lungren 14%
James McCrery III 14%
Jeff Miller 14%
James Nussle 14%
State Office Name Party Rating
KY U.S. Senate - Sr Mitch McConnell, Jr. R 25%
AK U.S. Senate - Sr Lisa Murkowski R 25%
John Warner 25%
E. Clay Shaw, Jr. 24%
Donald Sherwood 24%
William Thomas 24%
Heather Wilson 24%
NH State Senate - 3 Jeb Bradley R 23%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 23%
Frank LoBiondo 23%
Connie Mack IV 23%
Don Manzullo 23%
Jon Porter, Sr. 23%
Deborah Pryce 23%
Dave Reichert 23%
Jim Saxton 23%
Robert William Ney 22%
Bob Beauprez 20%
James Walsh 20%
Thomas Davis III 19%
Jo Ann Emerson 19%
Scott Garrett 19%
Mark Green 19%
Ray LaHood 19%
Todd Platts 19%
W. Curtis Weldon 19%
Lamar Alexander 18%
John Boehner 18%
AR U.S. Senate - Sr John Boozman R 18%
WV U.S. Senate - Jr Shelley Capito R 18%
Chris Chocola 18%
Barbara Cubin 18%
David Dreier 18%
John Duncan, Jr. 18%
Philip English 18%
Michael Ferguson 18%
David Lee Hobson 18%
John Hostettler 18%
Mark Kennedy 18%
Joseph Knollenberg 18%
Thaddeus McCotter 18%
John McHugh 18%
Candice Miller 18%
Tim Murphy 18%
Thomas William Osborne 18%
Steve Pearce 18%
Denny Rehberg 18%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 18%
John Shadegg 18%
Pat Tiberi 18%
George Allen 17%
Kit Bond 17%
Jim Bunning 17%
Conrad Burns 17%
Richard Burr 17%
Saxby Chambliss 17%
Norm Coleman 17%
James DeMint 17%
Elizabeth Dole 17%
Pete Domenici, Jr. 17%
John Ensign 17%
Orrin Hatch 17%
Kay Hutchison 17%
Johnny Isakson 17%
Jon Kyl 17%
Trent Lott, Sr. 17%
Ben Nelson 17%
WA U.S. House - 5 Cathy Rodgers R 17%
Rick Santorum 17%
Richard Shelby 17%
Ted Stevens 17%
James Talent 17%
Craig Thomas 17%
SD U.S. Senate - Sr John Thune R 17%
David Vitter 17%
George Voinovich 17%
Dave Camp 15%
Chris Cannon 15%
Katherine Harris 15%
Thomas Reynolds 15%
Spencer Bachus 14%
Rob Bishop 14%
Charles Boustany, Jr. 14%
TX U.S. House - 26 Michael Burgess R 14%
Steve Chabot 14%
Geoff Davis 14%
Randy Forbes 14%
Vito Fossella, Jr. 14%
Jim Gibbons 14%
Paul Gillmor 14%
Gilbert Gutknecht 14%
Kenny Hulshof 14%
CA U.S. House - 48 Darrell Issa R 14%
John Kuhl, Jr. 14%
Tom Latham 14%
Jerry Lewis 14%
Dan Lungren 14%
James McCrery III 14%
Jeff Miller 14%
James Nussle 14%